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"Yaya!" Luca hugged Freya who was still in a daze after waking up. "I shouldn't have just directly killed that maid, I should've tortured her until she begged for death."

"Luca, watch what you say." Andrew warned. "She's still young."

"...Brother Luca, Uncle." Freya yawned while she greeted. She looked around the room and asked, "Where's daddy?"

"I'm here." Arche entered the room and sat on the bed. "How are you doing?"

Freya blinked as she processed his question. Her reaction speed slowed a lot after waking up, the doctor said it might take a while for her to recover.

"...I'm fine." She forced a smile.

The three looked at her with worrying eyes, she definitely wasn't fine. She lost weight as she didn't have any appetite the past few days and her pale complexion wasn't getting any better.

"It hurts doesn't it?" Arche sighed softly.

The doctor told them that Freya would be in immense pain during recovery. The cold sweat that coated her forehead and her knuckles that were going white from gripping the blanket were proof of that.

Freya's eyes widened slightly and returned to normal the next second. She was used to enduring pain alone, she'd forgotten that there were people who cared about her this time.

"...it hurts." She murmured. "It hurts to the point that I want to dig my heart out to stop the pain."

When Freya says it's painful, it really is excruciating. She's someone who could dig bullets out from her own shoulder without any change of expression after all.

"But I'll be fine." She added after seeing their expressions turn gloomy. "Daddy, why is your arm bleeding?"

"I dealt with some pests, one got too close. It'll heal after a while."

If Freya didn't point it out, he wouldn't have noticed that he got hurt. Freya sighed and flicked her wrist. The trio looked up, awed by the scenery they saw.

Purple butterflies were fluttering their crystal wings around the room. Their translucent wings shimmered and shined under the light as they landed on Arche's arms. The blood stopped and the wound healed like it had never been there before.

"I figured out how to use my powers." Freya beamed but her face was getting paler. The butterflies shattered into purple fragments with a snap of her fingers.

"When did you learn this?" Luca asked as he finally pulled away from Freya after hugging her the entire time.

"When daddy thought I was sleeping." She let out a cheeky giggle. Arche could only let out a helpless sigh while Andrew laughed.

She held back from hissing and smiled. When the butterflies heal the wounded, the pain will be transferred over to her. She'll only feel the pain, it won't affect her health so she didn't bother to tell them.

"Our Freya is so smart, uncle will arrange a banquet for you when you recover!" Andrew cheered.

"Thank you, uncle." Freya beamed cutely. She wasn't acting cute, her appearance was genuinely adorable.

"Brother, you should change your current woman." Arche casted a glance at Andrew.

"Oh? Seems like this one is disobedient." Andrew raised his brow with a smile that wasn't quite a smile. "I'll change to another one."

Freya's lips twitched slightly. It seems like her current 'auntie' tried seducing her dad. This uncle of hers is a good father and a good uncle but not so much as a lover. With purple hair and sunset orange eyes, he attracted many women. Changing women is like changing clothes for him.

The only person that he had genuinely loved was Luca's mother...but she passed away after childbirth. He could only take care of their child, Luca Jonathan Laphinia.

Demons are usually lustful creatures after all, he can't bring himself to love someone else but he needs to satisfy his desires so he has many women. But he's really fickle, the longest one only lasted for a month. Luca understands so he never hated his father for that.

Even Arche who has great self-control closes himself off when his heat comes. During that time, Andrew would always be the one taking care of Freya since many women would be coming in and out of the palace.

Heat only comes once a year and lasts for a week so Freya could see Arche after a week. Usually, heat will be spent with one's partner, but Arche had no plans on finding a lover.

Freya knows about her father's miserable love life so she never pushed it. Being dumped and cheated by the people he gave his heart to again and again must have left a big impact on him, her uncle even called it a curse.

She doesn't get it, money, looks and gentleness...her dad has everything! But well, maybe it really is a curse...

What Freya doesn't know was that her father...really lacked gentleness. His attitude had always been cold, even his lovers couldn't differentiate whether they were strangers or lovers. Cross the line and you're out. He wasn't the one dumped, he did the dumping.

"Luca will experience his first heat in a few months. Have you prepared a candidate for him?" Arche asked his brother while braiding his daughter's hair. It was too messy, he couldn't help it.

Freya looked at Luca and blinked her innocent round eyes. Demons have their first heat at 16. It is young but one can choose to go into seclusion, at least that's what Freya planned for herself. Though it'll be uncomfortable, she's not going to lose her virginity until she meets the one for her. Her standards were high.

But well, Luca was a boy. It's different. If she was a boy, she might choose to have s*x during her first heat too.

"...isn't it a little inappropriate to say this in front of Yaya?" Luca's face turned red.

"Freya? Last time she read the whole book explaining what heat was, she might be more proficient regarding this topic than you." Arche chuckled dryly, he really felt helpless. "At first, I only knew she took a book from my shelf as usual. By the time I finished work, she had already finished the whole book."

Andrew and Luca turned to Freya who was smiling innocently, "Brother Luca, it's fine. It's just s*x. If you want, I can recite the whole book for you. Will it make you less nervous?"

Arche felt a headache coming, he quickly covered Freya's mouth with his hand. Freya of course was just teasing her cousin.

In fact when she read that book, she had no idea what s*x was. After all, she didn't have the memories from her past life. The book was genuinely explaining what heat was, why demons have heat and when does heat arrive. There was only a brief sentence mentioning demons have s*x during heat, it didn't go into detail.

"Just s*x...does she?" Andrew looked at Arche who shook his head, indicating she does not know what s*x was.

"She asked me what it meant before, but I never explained it to her. I made sure to remove every book regarding the topic." Arche said while covering his daughter's ears, afraid she might ask if she heard. She was only five years old, it wasn't time for the birds and the bees yet.

Freya's lips curved into an arc that went unnoticed by Arche. Andrew saw it and held back from laughing, his little brother didn't have it easy at all.

The Demon King's Beloved DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now