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"Sophia, we'll be leaving the kids to you." Oscar kissed his wife's forehead.

After returning to the demon realm for a week, it was finally time to end the reign of Maddox, the current demon king of the south.

"Daddy, be careful." Freya frowned as her hold tightened on Arche's clothes. It would be easy as pie with five of them, but there was still a small chance a mishap might happen.

Arche sighed with a smile and kissed her head to comfort her. How can his daughter be so cute?

"Caiden, brother Luca and the uncles too. Don't push yourselves too much." She turned to the other four. "If any of you get injured, make sure to teleport back. I'll heal you."

Caiden's eyes softened as he leaned down to pat her head. Andrew smiled and reassured, "I'll make sure they make it back safely, your uncle is strong!"

"My Yaya is so sweet!" Luca picked her up and spun her around.

"Freya, why don't you become my daughter? The twins like you too." Oscar suggested, earning a glare from Arche.

Her aquamarine eyes curved, it seems like it won't be a problem. She waved them goodbye and headed to the toy room with the twins.

"Freya, play with us," Austin whined while pulling her arm. "Stop reading!"

Alistar didn't say anything but the gaze he directed at her was full of expectation. Freya sighed and put her book down, "What do you want to play?"

She felt like she was spoiling the twins more and more as the days goes by. 

"Let's play tag!" Austin's eyes brightened while Freya's brows knitted together. She disliked getting sweaty...but some exercise should be fine from time to time.

"But both of you can't use teleportation, okay? No speed buffs as well." Freya narrowed her eyes.

The twins were very strong for their age, if she had to compare...they're quite similar to Luca when he was young. Out of all the children, she's the only one who couldn't teleport nor use spells. Those were the specialty of pure demons but not everyone can use them. Only the strongest bunch can use it.

The twins promised with bright grins. They decided who was 'it' and unfortunately, Freya was 'it'. She looked at the piece of paper coldly before muttering a useless. The twins saw her scorning at the piece of paper and held back from laughing.

"Be careful, alright? Don't run too far away." Sophia reminded them, getting three okays in return.

"Start!" Freya shouted and the twins ran. She sighed and started praying that her legs won't cramp the next day.

Demons were naturally fast, even as children, they already had the speed of an adult human even without buffs. The twins had tacit understanding and headed to the library which had many floors.

Freya hated climbing the stairs! When she realized where they were, she cursed under her breath. Why did she promise to play tag with these two monkeys?!

The game ended with Freya gasping for air. The twins looked no different from before, it made Freya envious. Alistar poured her a cup of water using the water dispenser at the corner of the library. Freya gulped down the water in seconds.

"I'm never playing tag again. Hide-and-seek is better." Freya complained as she wiped her sweat away.

As they were chatting away, the door opened with a creak making the three of them turn their heads. Sophia smiled as she walked in, "Did you have fun?"

The twins habitually headed to their mother. However, Freya pulled both of them back by their collars. The force made the twins fall on their butt, "Freya, what-"

"Do not move." Freya's cold tone made the twins shut their mouths, the murderous aura she emitted sent chills down their spines. Was this the Freya they knew?

 It wasn't until they looked at their 'mother' at the door that they realized she wasn't speaking to them.

"Oh dear, how did you know?"

Freya glanced at the pink box beside the woman, [This person is not Sophia.]

"What did you do to Aunt Sophia?" Freya glowered.

The person remained silent. Freya narrowed her eyes dangerously, "Jane, the former angel of disguise. Betrayer of the heavens, are you here for revenge?"

After figuring out the names of the angels colliding with Maddox, Andrew went directly to the heavens to make a report. Those angels involved were expelled from heaven and had half of their powers revoked as punishment.

"That woman is unconscious but she's not dead yet," Jane stated nonchalantly. "How did you know of my identity?"

[What she stated is true. She's in the toy room, go heal her before it's too late.]

"Your target is me, isn't it?" Freya stated calmly, "Let me heal Aunt Sophia and bring the twins to her. Then you can kill me after that."

"...that's not impossible. As you said, my target is you. However, you must not wake her up...and the twins aren't allowed to call for help."

"Deal." She turned to the twins, her eyes softened, "Come on, let's go find your mother. I used a little too much force just now, I'm sorry."

"...Freya, that person said she's going to k-kill you." Austin grabbed her hands. Freya noticed his hands trembling as they wrapped around hers. "We won't allow that!"

"Be good. That person is way stronger than you." Freya coaxed gently. "Her target is me, if you guys get involved, how am I supposed to face Uncle Oscar?"


"Alister, no more buts. Teleport me to the toy room." Freya patted their heads. They could only do what she said.

Her purple butterflies healed all the cuts and wounds on Sophia's body. It seems like she put up quite a fight. Cold sweat coated Freya's forehead as she held back from hissing. 

After healing Sophia, she stood up. Austin and Alistar looked like they were about to cry any moment. Freya smiled at the twins and reassured them that she'll be fine.

"Stay here and look after auntie." She instructed.

"We're older! We have to protect-" Freya swiftly tapped Austin's nape, cutting off his unfinished words. She turned to Alistar, "Take care of them."

She looked at his unwilling expression and added, "If you don't listen, I'll have no choice but to make you faint too."

Freya knew that she won't be able to do that, the twins were very fast. Austin was just caught by surprise. She sighed and took Alistar's hand in hers, she proceeded to write a few words on his palm, '10 minutes, wake, call help'. Of course, she spouted some nonsense along the way, she knew Jane was listening.

"Pinky promise, I'll be fine. The only person I can trust now is you...so won't you have some faith in me?" 

Alistar was hesitant but he hooked their pinkies together, "I'll trust you. So...if you don't come back, I'll never forgive you."

Freya beamed and nodded. She got up and headed to the door. The moment she opened it, she saw a woman with blood-red hair and black eyes. Her freckled face carried a cheeky grin, "Princess, why make an empty promise?" 

Freya rolled her eyes and faked a whimper, "Oh dear, I'm so scared. QAQ"

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