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Luca quickly looped his arm around Freya's waist and teleported to his father's castle. Looking at the multiple palaces, his brows knitted tightly together. He wasn't sure in which concubine's palace was his father at.

Freya saw through the adversity in his eyes and said, "Cast a barrier and contact my dad."

Luca heard her calm voice and looked at his precious sister. She no longer trembled like a few seconds ago, through her eyes have drooped slightly.

Freya sorted out her feelings in a short period. She took a deep breath and exhaled.

With no expectation, there would not be any disappointment. If she suppressed her feelings, it won't hurt as much.

Freya waved her hand and summoned out hoards of crystal butterflies, using them as her eyes. The butterflies swept through the vicinity as though a hurricane, startling all the servants.

Two pairs of wings grew on her back, sending her up into the air. She grunted from the electrifying pain caused by her shattered soul, the blood gushing out her chest increased due to her movement.

Freya blinked her tears from the pain away. Her eyes narrowed, like a hawk hunting for its prey. Nothing. She couldn't find the perpetrator.

But...news arrived from her butterflies. She flew in the direction where Andrew was with lightning speed, holding her breath.

Despite convincing herself to stay calm, her tense body betrayed her resolution. Her eyes scanned for the nearest entrance.

"Uncle?" She pulled and pushed the window to no avail.

Freya gritted her teeth and broke through the window with her wings. She ignored the glass shards piercing through her wings and rushed to the bed.

Andrew was laying there, his face void of any colour of blood. Freya's blood ran cold, almost blacking out.

It wasn't the first time but having someone you love leave, just wasn't something that one could get used to.

Freya's hand quivered as she reached out. She checked his pulse and breathe, her eyes brightened.

Weak, very weak but it was there. She gathered all the butterflies, hoping to heal her uncle.

Her aquamarine eyes glowed as her pupils turned into pink flowers. Tears flowed out of her eyes like waterfalls, it hurts, it hurts so bad.

She clenched her teeth, "Arg! Freya, you can do this, you have...to!"

Her whole body was coated with cold sweat, and her whole body was shaking. She wanted to rest before continuing.

However, that faint sign of life was getting weaker as time goes by. As if it would be gone the moment she halt her healing.

This shouldn't be, it shouldn't have taken that long. She could heal anyone...as long as there were signs of life, even a little would be fine.

"Please wake up."

Freya's hand checking his breath jolted, nothing. It was gone. She placed her fingers on his wrist and under his neck. Her pupils shrunk but she never stopped healing Andrew.

A small helpless whimper came from the girl, like a small animal seeking comfort, "Uncle?"

"This...shouldn't be."

Though she felt her soul cracking, though she knew her mana was running out, she summoned more butterflies. She wanted to save her family so desperately that nothing else mattered.

Her veins protruded from her forehead, bloodshot eyes were on the brink of closing from exhaustion. She didn't notice the blood spilling from her lips nor the two standing behind her.

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