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The stunning young man caressed his lover's pale cheek with his trembling hands, wishing to hear her sweet voice once again. His movements were gentle as if she would break any moment, handling her like the most precious treasure in the world.

Caiden's snow-white hair cast a shadow around his eyes, his amethyst eyes were filled with grief and anguish as he stared at his lover's corpse. Her lifeless face shattered his heart into pieces.

The moment she dissipated into butterflies, not a single trace of her was left in this universe. He could no longer sense her presence through their bond, and that feeling of helplessness frightened him.

The moment that left him in agony and despair allowed him to muster all his power to keep Freya's butterflies from flying away, keeping a tiny fragment of her soul out of desperation.

With the help of others, he managed to transfer that fragment into Freya's corpse from her first life. It was a relief that Arche never stopped using mana to keep his daughter's body from rotting.

At least they had a medium, yet the results they had gotten slowly yet surely dimmed the flames of hope in their hearts. The person they longed for the most did not even show signs of waking up.

However, they didn't want to give up on this slim chance that the person all of them cherish so much will return to them someday. They could only wish for the best.

Caiden gently laid his forehead onto hers, he whispered softly, tears seeping out from his eyes, "When are you coming back to me, my love? I'm trying my best to hold on."

Just then, the girl in front of him opened her eyes. Her aquamarine eyes as though a frozen lake stared right at him. Her eyes were empty and unfocused.

In normal circumstances, anyone would be shocked if a corpse suddenly opened her eyes, even if it was someone they treasured.

Yet in this surreal moment, Caiden did not flinch in the slightest. He closed his eyes with a sigh as though this was a daily occurrence.

He brought her body into an embrace as he snuggled against her body which was as cold as ice. The body void of warmth twisted his heart painfully, he missed her warmth.

He let out a self-mocking laugh and a painful mumble came out from him, "It started again."

The girl heard what he said. She asked in a gentle voice, "What started again?"

Caiden looked at her eyes as something in his broke, he mumbled to himself, "Did I fall asleep again? This dream again. You're always back in my dreams, yet when I wake up, you're just lying in there."

Although the others came to visit her frequently, Caiden was no doubt the one who stayed by her side the most after her death. He would come every day and stay for hours after completing all his tasks as one of the demon kings.

Talking to a dead body may seem crazy, but it was the only thing keeping him sane, away from the verge of madness.

The fluffy fox ears drooped down, "Maybe it's better if I don't wake up, that way I can be with you forever."

Hearing his words, Freya's heart clenched as she felt her tears threatening to fall out. The moment she woke up, she was engulfed with darkness. She no longer has her sight.

However, she has gained another way to see the world through a third-person perspective, which she has yet to get used to. But it was enough for her to peck the lips of her precious lover.

She cooed in a gentle tone as her tears fell along her cheeks, "It's not a dream, I'm back my little fox."

Freya cupped his cheek in her hand as she leaned in and pecked his lips, "I'm sorry, I love you so much."

Seeing Caiden stunned, Freya continued giving him butterfly kisses all over his face. Caiden's brain stopped functioning as he received a shower of kisses from his beloved. This wasn't in his dream before.

The realisation struck him like thunder, the nine-tail fox's eyes widened, and his arm around his lover tightened. Freya could feel his fear and trepidation from the embrace, as though he was terrified the person in his arms would crumble into dust.

Seeing the misbelief in his eyes, Freya chuckled lightly. Caiden whispered her name repeatedly, his voice was hoarse from the sobbing.

Only his sobs and his desperation when calling out her name were heard echoing in the empty room.

She consoled her lover by rubbing circles on his back, hoping to ease his emotions that were in turmoil. Caiden's smile made her heart warm as the arctic fox's ears perked up, "You're back...you're finally back."

She snuggled into his chest, "En, I'm back. This time, no one can tear us apart."

Caiden spared no hesitation in kissing her lips, his kiss was gentle and soft, yet deep. It showed his longing, his desperation, his fear and his pain. Freya was plenty obedient and let him do as he pleased.

A layer of mist coated her pale eyes as her face flushed pink yet she still didn't forget to tease his ears. Caiden subdued her naughty hands as he felt her licking his lips in return. Caiden couldn't help but sigh, she likes pushing him to his limit but it wasn't the time.

Freya slumped into his chest when she pulled away, ending the passionate kiss. Caiden leaned down and spoke right next to her ears, " This time, I'll lock you up."

Freya's eyes widened before smiling, "Go ahead, I'm not going anywhere this time."

Freya wasn't in a rush to meet the others, she owed her lover too much. She enjoyed the peace in his embrace as Caiden listened to the beating of her heart.

Her body was still icy cold but her heartbeat was the finest melody in the universe to him. Her breath, the small slump and rise of her body as she breathed was the most divine sight to him.

Every day he dreamt of her, yet when he hugged her, there was no heartbeat to be heard. His treasure was back and this time he will ensure that she'll be unable to leave.

Sensing how much time had passed, Caiden carried her in his arms. No matter how well this body was maintained, it would be impossible for her to walk properly without adapting.

He knew she was spending alone time with him as compensation, the tacit understanding between mates where no joke. He had savoured their time alone and it was time to reveal the great news to others.

When they walked out the door, everyone had gathered. Caiden had already told them through telepathy that Freya had awoken and those who received the new teleported here immediately.

Arche's eyes softened as he looked at his baby daughter, his eyes became teary as he walked up to her. His voice cracked as he patted her head, "Welcome back."

Freya looked at her father who had thinned with dark circles under his eyes, a painful sting coursed through her body. She nodded with a bright smile.

Luca was already crying without a care, hugging his little cousin tightly. Andrew gave a thumbs up, no one knew how much pressure he was living with, the pent-up guilt in him was going to burst if his adorable niece didn't come back.

Alistar and Austin were also overflowing with tears of joy. They were childhood friends with Freya, it was torturing losing her for the past year. Oscar and Sophia who treated Freya like their very own child were delighted to see her back.

All the major sins kneeled on one knee, they had tears in their eyes yet their radiant smile that lit up their faces showed their emotions, "Master, welcome back!"

Though messy, the girl's cherry blossom hair framed her face. Her eyes shined brightly while still being carried by her lover, "I'm back everyone."

As if reminded by something, she tilted her head and let out an awkward chuckle, "Just so you guys know, I'm blind now."

Caiden already sensed something wrong with her line of sight, so his grip on her was still stable. Yet he couldn't help his heart sink.

Everyone except Caiden, "What?!"

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