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As Luca and Caiden met with the others, their eyes narrowed. Displeasure was clearly written on their faces. Luca was originally annoyed and only put up a facade so that Freya wouldn't worry.

On the other hand, Caiden knew that his lover was hiding a grave secret from him. The anxiousness he felt in his heart was swallowing him up whole.

Arche saw their solemn attitude and felt an unexplainable worry blossom in his heart. He took another sip of tea and looked at Luca asking for an explanation.

Luca clenched his hands into a fist, "James told me his prediction...he should be the wisest out of all of us. But I hope it isn't true."

Earlier in the room, James looked hesitantly at Luca. He pursed his lips as his brows furrowed, "Master's going to die."

Luca's pupils contracted, "...what do you mean? Freya said she won't be going anywhere this time."

James scoffed, "Her words can't be trusted. I trust what I saw with my own eyes."

What James said in the latter half was not received by Luca, the moment he heard that his little sister's words can't be trusted, fury burned in his heart.

His actions were faster than his line of thoughts, his hands reached for James's neck. Chocking him, "Say that one more time. Freya is the person I trust the most in this world, she is my light."

James held Luca's wrist to lessen the force and said through gritted teeth, "I know. I treasure Master just as much as you but that doesn't mean you should trust everything she says!"

His eyes turned teary, "You know how far she would go for us. I know you know that too, that's why you have such a reaction."

As if a realisation struck him, Luca loosened his grip but not entirely. He mumbled in disbelief, "No way...is she going to die if she completes Father's resurrection?"

That was when both of them heard Freya's hurried footsteps as she burst into the door.

After hearing James explaining the whole process, pink flower-shaped pupils appeared in Freya's glittering aquamarine eyes. She was frantic on the inside honestly, but she didn't show it.

A stiff smile dawned on her face, "I would appreciate it if you let my brother remain in denial that I would lie to him. You're my disciple, yet you're causing trouble everywhere."

James chuckled not taking it to heart, "If you weren't in such a rush to die, maybe I wouldn't."

Freya snapped her fingers as the scenery around them changed. She didn't want their conversation to be eavesdropped on. They were now sitting in the middle of a vast field, full of black roses. The sweet scent of the roses made Freya smile, disregarding the significance of what she was about to say.

"I am going to die no doubt, but rather than die, I'm just going to return to being a part of the demon realm," her eyes shined as she casually picked a rose out of the bunch and sniffed it.

James couldn't stay in his seat, he reached for her shoulders and pinned her to the chair, "How can you be casual about it? What about us?"

Freya's eyes widened before softening, "Don't worry, it won't hurt any of you. It won't be last time, you guys won't have to carry the grief in your heart."

James felt as though a tsunami was churning in his stomach, his grip on her shoulders tensed, "What do you mean?"

Freya explained in a soft tone, as if consoling an upset kitten, "My existence in the demon realm will be erased, none of you will remember me. So don't worry."

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