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"She looks similar doesn't she?" James asked the taller man beside him. "Her personality as well."

"The princess? Are you implying that the half-breed is her?"

"You never know~"

"Don't be delusional, Sloth. Pride...died. She killed herself-"

"Uh-uh, she was killed by a beast." James corrected him.

"As if something of that level can kill her. She deliberately..." Pain flashed through the man's handsome features. "The main point is that we all saw her copse."

"Envy, what if her soul came back?" James glanced at him slyly.

"The only person who can see through souls committed suicide when Pride died." Envy's brows furrowed.

"We all know how much Greed treasured her. All of us do but he's on another level. Of course, no one can replace you as her loyal hound." James let out a chuckle.

He continued, "The princess's name is the same as Pride, why do you think Arche gave her the same name as his first daughter?"

"You think he knows something? My lord fancies her a lot too." Envy's navy blue eyes were stuck on Freya, they weren't similar, they looked exactly the same.

"Mason, you're making her uncomfortable. She's looking around, she must've sensed your stare." James patted his friend's back.

Mason combed back his nanny grey hair, longing flashed through his eyes, "I miss her."

"You're not the only one. Do you still keep in touch with the others?"

Mason shook his head making James shrug his shoulders, "If you deal with your resting bitch face and aloof attitude, you might have more friends."

He only rolled his eyes at James's words, "I'll get going. My lord will kill me if I don't sort out the documents by the time he's back. Good luck with your crush, Sloth."

James waved him goodbye. Ah, he better go find Luca now. That clueless idiot only has Freya in his eyes, it's going to be tough for him.

Freya woke up with a headache the next day, f*cking hangover. It was all her uncle's fault! She never knew that the 'peach juice' Andrew gave her was alcoholic. The sweet taste of fresh peaches got her addicted.

She blinked at Arche who woke her up, then buried her face into his chest...and continued to sleep. Arche shook her helplessly, this sleepyhead.

But maybe it was a good thing. Arche recalled his daughter being alert 24/7, even the slightest whisper made her eyes flicker. That fact hasn't changed but at least she learned the joy of sleeping.

"Daddy, I feel awful. Can I skip tutoring today?" She whimpered with those teary eyes.

Arche started teaching her personally not too long ago. After all, she's going to have the exam next year. Honestly, she didn't need help at all, but it was nice to have her father teach her.

There were some subjects that she disliked...for example, ancient language. She hated that, memorizing the symbols wasn't a problem for her but she had to decipher them too.

But 'don't like' and 'don't know' were two different things. She still excelled in all of the compulsory syllabi.

"You're just lazy aren't you?" Arche knew her too well. Freya sulked and whined, "But it was my birthday yesterday...my birthday...ah, Dylan!"

Freya pushed Arche away and jumped out of bed. Arche who was shoved by his daughter held his chest, did she have to use so much strength?

"Oh, aren't you energetic now?"

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