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"Freya?" Arche glanced at his daughter whose face was as pale as paper. Did she see a ghost?

Freya didn't answer, she felt a headache coming.

He didn't deliver the poison last week and now he dares to show up in front of her? But why did he have to show up when her family was here? What were his motives?

"It seems like your highness is very happy to see me again~" The woman's shameless tone made Freya's lips twitch. "I greet your majesties."

"James, what are you doing here? And what's with that get-up?" Luca raised a brow at his best friend.

Freya beamed, "Ah, you're brother Luca's friend. I was mesmerized by your beauty."

James was stunned for a second before he tried to hold back his laughter. Veins protruded Freya's forehead but she kept the innocent closed-eye smile on her face.

"I'm one of the top five in the north, I have to pay my respect to the princess and my boss."

...boss? James wasn't the boss of Cherry Cake? He had a superior??

Freya's scalp went numb. In the contract, it mentioned that the boss has the right to read through the customers' information. He's saying the boss is someone here?

Freya's pupils started trembling. She sat up straight subconsciously, her whole body tensed. In her head, she desperately inquired the system.

[I don't know QVQ I thought it was James~]

How can this system be so nonchalant about it! James said it here to give her a hint, that must've meant that he did something wrong. Or else going by his character, he would never do such a troublesome thing.

"Freya, you don't look so good." Caiden wrapped his arms around her shoulder. His tone laced with concern, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Just a little cold."

Caiden wrapped the blanket that appeared with a snap of his fingers around her, earning a 'thanks' from Freya.

She held back a gasp when James knelt in front of her dad. When she turned her gaze to Arche, he was already looking at her. She snuggled against him, pretending like she had nothing to do with this.

"Boss, there are some things I have to tell the princess alone."

Freya jolted up, this bastard! Can't he tell that she's been pretending not to know him??

"...daddy, I don't know this person." She said with teary eyes. Arche stilled and chuckled. That chuckle sent chills down her spine, oh she's in trouble.

"I'll listen. Don't worry. Just go ahead." Arche pecked her forehead.

With that, she followed James out to a balcony. The moment she was out of their sight, her temperament changed. The temperature around her dropped, the cheerful smile was nowhere to be seen. The cute puppy turned into a growling wolf.

"You better explain what happened." Her icy voice made him shiver. If looks can kill, he'll be dead by now. "So you weren't the boss?"

"I never said I was, well I am in charge of Cherry Cake but it's only a branch of your dad's company. About your identity, it really wasn't on purpose...I mean I almost died after the boss found out."

"Enough with the nonsense." Freya glared at him with eyes glowing with killing intent. 

"That day, I was just chatting with my colleagues, saying that we have a fourteen-year-old client...I didn't know that boss was behind us. He asked how you became a VIP when you're that young, then I said you've been with us for a long time." James's voice became smaller as it reached the end.

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