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In the stone garden, Freya gently stroked the nine-tailed fox's head with her right hand while brushing him with her left hand. The fox in front of her purred as Freya groomed him.

"It's done." Freya put the brush down and scratched his chin with a satisfied smile.

Caiden didn't turn into the arctic fox she first met, instead he used another form of his, a nine-tailed fox with the size of a king-sized bed.

Caiden pounced and pushed her down easily with his paws before licking her face. It made Freya giggle, "Why don't you turn back to your humanoid form?"

"You dote on me more in this form~" Caiden rubbed his nose against hers coquettishly. Freya sighed softly and shook her head helplessly.

Well, there was one way to beat this sly fox. She grabbed his ear making his movement pause. Freya smiled and pinched the tip of his ear, then proceeded to trace along the edges.

This action of hers made Caiden purr and shiver, his eyes flashed black before turning misty grey. With eyes filled with mirth, she asked slyly, "Say it again, do I not treat you well?"

Caiden's eyes widened before narrowing, with a poof, he turned back to his humanoid form. His ear was still pinched by Freya, but he ignored the electrifying pleasure.

Caiden whispered into her ears in a dangerously low voice, "If you keep provoking me, there's no telling how long I can hold back."

Freya wasn't frightened at all despite being pinned onto the ground, she remained in a relaxed manner, "14 years old, a minor. Behave."

The only reason she could act so brazen was because she knew Caiden won't force her, nor will he do something to hurt her. She released his poor ear that was pink on the tip and stroked his head.

Freya knew that she was his soulmate, she knew that he loved her but she never gave him a definite answer. It may be cruel but she wanted to give Caiden more time to decide.

She didn't want to be together with him just because she was his soulmate. He needed to see her as herself and deem whether Freya was suitable for him or not.

She was very clear on which lines can be crossed and which shouldn't be. She did love him, from the moment she saw him, she felt attracted to him. If this was what people call love at first sight, then so be it. 

There was no constant blushing, nor was there any frequent heart racing for her, but just by being by his side, she felt extremely safe and comfortable. That was enough, these were the qualities she looked for. 

She wasn't finding someone who would say sickly sweet words just to make her heart jump, she was looking for a life companion. Although it's hard to define their relationship right now, there's no doubt he was someone she held dearly.

Caiden naturally knew what she was thinking about. Though he knew she was the only one for him, and he had long fallen for Freya as a person, he never pushed it.

After all, she is like a kitten, the more you chase after her, the farther she'll run. However, she might occasionally come over and act coy if you don't move. They still have many years to come, no need to be hasty. She'll be his eventually.

This kind of tacit understanding that existed between the two made it so nothing was awkward.

Caiden slumped down and burrowed his face into her neck. Freya didn't push him away, she patted him dotingly. She pressed her head against his and complained, "You're too heavy, turn back into your fox form."

He only gave her a languid glance before continuing scenting her. Caiden hummed and bit down on her shoulder, it wasn't painful but it left a visible mark. 

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