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"Are you not afraid of me?" Jane asked with her brow raised as they headed to the tea room for a 'talk'. "I know your weakness, although your powers are very strong, you can't heal yourself can you?"

Freya was very relaxed, her eyes were half-lidded, having little interest in conversing with Jane. She didn't seem like her life was going to be ended by an assassin, instead, she gave off the ambiance of someone going for a stroll in the park.

"So what? What is there to be afraid of-" Freya couldn't finish her sentence as she tripped on an unconscious guard, falling face first.

The fall looked so painful that Jane looked away subconsciously.

Freya, "..."

Jane, " ...hey, you...are you dead?"

Freya wailed loudly, "...Who are you? Where's my daddy?! Uwaaaaa!"

Jane's eyes widened, did knocking her head make her crazy? She looked at the blood trickling down Freya's forehead and knitted her brows.

On second thought, this was how a five-year-old should act after getting hurt but how hard did she hit her head to get amnesia. Since she can't remember anything...

She approached Freya who was still on the ground.

"I'm your father's friend." Jane smiled kindly.

"Daddy's friend?" Freya tilted her head innocently while Jane nodded. She beamed, "Then you're a friend of Freya too, can you help me up?"

Jane was like a cat who was toying with its prey, she squatted down in front of Freya and held out a hand. She was extremely delighted, with this killing her would be no problem.

However, Jane's smile disappeared the moment Freya smirked.

Freya's gun pressed onto her forehead while the other held tightly onto her hand. Before she could react, Freya pressed the trigger. It all happened within a few milliseconds.

Jane broadened the distance between the two of them, but the bullet still penetrated her forehead due to the delay of shaking off Freya's hand.

Freya also prepared walls made from her crystal butterflies to prevent Jane from dodging the bullet. The best sniper of the century will never miss her target.

"Was it fun~?" That was the last thing Jane heard before her head blasted into shreds.

Of course, a gun can't kill an angel but it was enough to injure Jane into unconsciousness. Freya sighed and stood up, she took the magic restrainers from the unconscious guard and used the cuffs on Jane.

It was a relief that Jane wasn't as strong as she thought and that everything went according to plan. Her tripping was hitting two birds with one stone, she could act like she had memory loss and take the gun on the soldier stealthy at the same time.

Freya looked at her trembling hands, it seemed like the recoil was a bit too much for her five-year-old body. She chuckled faintly, "It seems like I've gotten rusty...thank goodness the guards used guns though." Or else she would've died.

Freya looked at the unconscious Jane and something flashed in her eyes, the angel's regeneration speed was amazing. It should have been slowed by the magic restrainer but despite that, it's quite fast.

"...should I try taking her mana or should I just kill her?" Freya pondered.

She read from a book...there was a way to take the mana of others. Angels usually have a very high amount of pure mana while demons have demonic mana. As a hybrid, she could use both.

The Demon King's Beloved DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now