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Freya took a sip of her tea. Her eyelashes fluttered like butterfly wings as she opened her eyes. The setting sun seemed to envelop her in a soft beam. Her light aquamarine eyes stared at her father warmly.

She sighed in nostalgia, "It's been a while since we've had tea like this. Isn't that right, Daddy?"

Arche nodded and stared at his daughter. She was still as beautiful as ever but, a noticeable fatigue hung around her aura. Her face had become paler, as though blood had been drained from her body.

He knew that she was frequently visiting Andrew for his resurrection. Yet, he could only allow her to do her thing.

"You should take it easy. It's your birthday tomorrow, how do you plan to spend it?"

Freya's eyes widened. She had been so absorbed with her task that her birthday was overlooked by her. She smiled to herself, she didn't want to have a lavish birthday this year.

She swirled the teacup slowly in her hand, "Maybe we should have a meal with everyone. I think that would be enough, I don't want an eye-catching celebration this year."

She wanted to spend as much time with those she treasure as possible. Since everything will be coming to an end soon.

She needed another two months at least to completely seal off the demon realm. That's no problem. However, due to Alexander being stronger than her, she's worried that he would enter the demon realm without her noticing.

This was a pain in the ass for her. After all, there was no way to prevent this from happening. Freya's brows furrowed before relaxing when she remembered that she was still in the presence of her father.

Arche naturally agreed to his daughter's request, "As you wish. Are you going to spend your heat with Caiden?"

Freya was startled by her father's question. An unnoticeable blush appeared on her face as she cleared her throat, "Yes, I have made him wait for too long."

Arche nodded. He can't believe how fast Freya has grown. Her sixteenth birthday was something that made his heart tremble, she left them when she was sixteen in the past.

He knew it would be different but he could yet break free from the shackles that bind him to the past. It won't happen again, will it?

Arche looked at Freya who zoned out, she was doing this more and more frequently. She seemed listless all the time, only occasionally does life return to those captivating eyes.

His pupils dilated the moment he saw the teacup pass through and fell from her hand. The hot tea spilt all over her dress.

His voice couldn't help but raise, "Freya! Are you okay?"

Arche's frantic call made her snap out of her daydream. She looked at Arche's widened eyes which held the same colour as hers before looking at her hand.

Ah, it happened again. Her hand was half transparent and see-through. This must have freaked her father out despite it not being the first time.

She smiled sweetly at Arche and reassured, "Don't worry, Dad. It'll return to normal soon."

His eyes narrowed with concern. How can he not worry about his daughter's condition? Freya said it was just due to her soul being unstable and having to revive Andrew at the same time. It will pass, she said.

But, he was petrified. It was just a hand, but what if her whole being disappeared? What would he do then? The frequency of her physical body becoming a spiritual one has increased.

Freya left her seat and went over to Arche as he used his magic to remove the tea stain. She gave him a hug, "Papa, calm down. I'll be fine, trust me."

Arche sighed without saying a word. Freya took it as an acknowledgement.

She chuckled and said in a light tone, "Since we're on the topic, I have a question to ask you. Daddy, would you rather remember me if I disappear, or have your memories erased so you won't feel the pain?"

The moment she said that she felt Arche wanting to stand up. Her hug tightened, forcing him back to his seat, "I'm just hypothetically speaking. No need to get so worked up."

Arche furrowed his brows, "The answer is obvious. Although it may be painful, my memories of the time we spent together are extremely precious and dear to me."

A bright and warm smile dawned on Freya's face, it was the answer she expected. However, her eyes still became watery as she giggled, "Is that so?"

But it's too unfortunate.

Freya tilted her head and let go of Arche, "Dad, have you ever felt sad after waking up from a wonderful dream?"

"No. Have you?" Arche asked, cooperating with his daughter.

Her eyes drooped, "En. I wish I could keep on dreaming in my paradise. But I learned that every dream comes to an end. It may be an abrupt stop, or maybe a sweet and memorable one.

However, one thing is for sure, there's no such thing as an endless dream. Sometimes, you have to wake up even though you want to sleep in."

Arche hummed and took another sip of tea, " Even if one dream ends, another one will start. It's a continuous cycle, there's no need to be sad."

"Even so, each dream is unique. It can't be replaced." And I have to wake up soon.

Arche glanced at her as his eyes narrowed, scrutinizing her, "You're oddly talkative about topics you deemed useless today. Is something wrong?"

Freya shook her head and laughed, "No. Doesn't the sky seem sad today? Maybe it affected me, I am connected to the demon realm after all."

Does the sky seem sad? Isn't it you who is the one that's sad and affected the sky? Arche sighed in his heart.

Arche swiped his hair back and abruptly stood up. His actions startled Freya who was brought into an embrace.

"Consult me if you have any problems. Stop using riddles, I am your father. I'll be by your side through any storm."

Freya blinked twice like a fool before hugging back. Her eyes closed as she rested in her father's embrace, only in front of Arche she could act like a child.

Freya's eyes reopened as she said in a serious tone, "Daddy, you should reassemble with James. Although Vivian is there, I'm not exactly pleased if he remains with Brother Luca for too long."

Arche looked at his daughter in his arms, stunned. A low chuckle escaped his lips, "I thought you said you've accepted him as your brother-in-law?"

Freya waved her hand in dismissing, "That's different. James is easily distracted, especially when it comes to Brother Luca, he won't be able to focus on the tasks I gave him."

Arche patted her head gently, "Is that so? Then let's head back."

Freya nodded and clung to her father's arm. Just as the sun was swallowed up by the sea, the pair of father and daughter returned to the palace they call home.

Behind Freya's nonchalant smile, she knew that this was the calm before the storm.

A/N: This novel is coming close to its end, 8 more chapters maybe? Anyways, thanks for reading!

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