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"Welcome back, my lord." The servants bowed.

Freya looked at the Japanese castle in front of her with astonishment. It was very elegant and beautiful. It's bigger compared to the one she saw in Osaka and there's not only one, but many in the vicinity.

She knew the east was similar to Japan. It was her favorite country in her past life. She fell in love with Japan when she went there for a mission. Here, it seems to be ancient Japan...though she doesn't know which period this belonged to.

The west was similar to ancient China while the north was more influenced by western culture. If she remembered correctly, the south should be ancient Korea.

"Do you like it?" Caiden asked, amused.

Freya nodded her head, "It's very pretty."

"Should I give one to you?" Caiden chuckled, "You can come and play whenever you like."

"Really? Can I?" Freya's eyes lit up, then she won't be reserved.

"Of course. As long as it's within my power, I'll give you anything you desire." Caiden's gentle tone made a servant drop the cup he was holding. Was this an imposter?!

The sound made Freya look over in curiosity. When the servants saw her aquamarine eyes, they were all shocked. Wasn't this the daughter of the demon king ruling the north?!

Caiden didn't pay them any heed, he continued his way with Freya in his arms. Freya rested her chin on his shoulder, being obedient all the way. She'll occasionally raise her head to look around and admire the decorations.

The servants they passed through would peek at her but they didn't dare to stare. Their lord took a child back, they knew he hated children the most. Not only that, he brought the child back to his private castle that no one was allowed to enter!

"Where are we?" Freya asked as she looked around. Such a huge room, there's even a hot spring in the middle of the room.

"My room." Caiden smiled.

"Even daddy's room isn't as big as this...but this isn't the main palace right?"

"I dislike having work mixed with my private life." Caiden put her on the bed while he went to make some tea. "It's more peaceful this way."

Freya let out a hum and accepted the freshly brewed tea. She took a sip and her eyes brightened, she missed this taste, "Green tea?"

Caiden nodded as she took another sip. He was glad it was to her liking. He observed her drinking her tea as his eyes turned gold. Freya kept on looking at the hot spring which made him ask, " You want to take a dip?"

"...but I don't have clothes here." Freya's eyes lowered disappointedly.

"That won't be a problem, go ahead." Caiden flicked his wrist and all the folding shoji screens in the room gathered and formed a barricade around the hot spring.

The room belonged to him so he usually just soaked in it without any barricade to make things more convenient. There's a special spell that made sure the water vapors won't spread throughout the room so he didn't need to worry about getting the whole room humid.

But Freya, even though in a five-year-old body, was a lady.

"I'll go prepare some clothes for you. I'll be back in a while." Caiden ruffled her hair as she nodded.

Freya took off her clothes with much difficulty. All the dresses she has had quite complicated designs. Freya rinsed herself thoroughly using the shower at the side. She let out a comfortable sigh as she entered the hot water.

...no one was here...she can do it, right? Freya gave up hesitating and started swimming. It's a rule that you can't swim in onsens, but she had always wanted to try.

She stopped playing around and sat in the corner obediently when she heard the door open. Caiden passed her the towel and kimono from underneath the folding shoji screens.

"Once you're done soaking, rinse yourself. If you don't know how to wear the kimono, I'll have a servant help you later. I'll be reading, just call me if you need something."

Freya let out a sound of acknowledgment and relaxed her eyes. It wasn't until she saw her fingers wrinkling that she decided to get out. She rinsed herself as instructed and tried putting on the kimono...on second thought, it might be better to leave it to the professionals.

"...I need help with the kimono," Freya mumbled in defeat after messing around with it. She heard Caiden chuckle and got up to call a maid.

The maid saw Freya and helped her immediately. The kimono was draping off her shoulders while the strings were all over the place. The helplessness shown on her face made her very adorable.

When their Lord asked for a black and gold kimono for the child, they were all shocked. Only the king and his partner can wear black in the east. It made Freya's identity clear, she was their future master. Though they didn't know whether the five-year-old knew.

"It's done, your highness." Freya thanked her and went to find Caiden.

Caiden was waiting on the bed while reading a book, he glanced up when he heard movement. Freya's kimono was black with gold flower imprints all over. Her cotton pink hair was tied into a bun as her bangs framed her face. His ears couldn't help but twitch, she was too adorable.

"Let's go eat and have some fun." Caiden approached her and picked her up. He used telekinesis to put the shoji screens back to their original place.

They headed downstairs to the dining area, Freya sat on the cushion as she glanced at the food prepared. She couldn't help but drool...sashimi!

The horns on the fish's head didn't bother her, the animals in the demon realm were all weird. Chicken with four legs, goats with two heads, and pigs with four eyes...a fish with horns seemed much more normal.

"It's already tested for poison, you can start eating." Caiden took a few pieces of sashimi for her. He looked at her eat in satisfaction. "Have some vegetables too."

Freya was a picky eater, she pouted as she ate the vegetables. Caiden held back from laughing, "Don't eat too much, leave some space. We're going somewhere else later."

Two of his tails protectively wrapped around Freya as she ate. The servants couldn't help but stare before averting their eyes. Most of them were animal-type demons, they knew although the tails weren't an erogenous spot like the ears, it wasn't a part that others can touch.

As he promised, Caiden brought Freya to somewhere fun. Freya's eyes sparkled when she saw the rows of stalls on the side of the road. The red lanterns hanging at two sides of the road lit up the obsidian night. A festival!

"Have your mood improved?" Caiden gently whispered, but Freya heard him.

Freya looked at him with widened eyes, a smile crept onto her face as she beamed, "Yes!"

The author has something to say: 

Servants of the east: Is that really our Lord? Q口Q

Servants of the north: pat* pat* We've been there, you'll get used to it. QVQ

The Demon King's Beloved DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now