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!!AGE13+ !! or !!AGE15+!! 

Freya pecked Luca's cheek as he let her down gently. She cast a glance at James with a triumphant smirk.

She ambled over and whispered into his ears, "When are you going to make your move? This master had helped you out so much. Do l have to wait another century to see my niece or nephew?"

The corner of James's lips twitched imperceptibly, his eyes landed on Freya who was clearly amused.

Freya's eyes curved, smiling innocently she mouthed, "Coward."

James's hands clenched into a fist as his body trembled, he repetitively chanted in his mind, 'It's fine, she's just a child...calm down. Endure, as the older one I have to endure.'

"Yaya, do you have to whisper around in front of me?" Luca's brows knitted as he complained, "Another secret?"

Freya raised her brows ever so subtly, she did promise Luca that there will be no secrets between them when she was younger.

But with the memories of her first life...there were many things that she had to take to the grave.

"Of course not, well it's not my secret~ Ask James if he would tell you," Her playfulness made James anxious, his palms wouldn't stop sweating.

Looking at James's 'red tomato face', she pitied her disciple scantly, deciding to be benevolent this once, "Then I'll get going now."

Mason held out his hand as she put hers on his palm. In a blink of an eye, they arrived outside of Caiden's castle.

"Good job."

The reason why Luca and James didn't ask for the reason why she never seemed like a child was thanks to Mason.

He was the disciple who inherited the ability of puppetry. One of the requirements was that the puppeteer had to be stronger than the 'puppet' to work.

Freya gave him a smile of approval, "It seems like you have surpassed James. Keep up the good work."

Mason dropped down on one knee, "Yes, master."


"Say, aren't you curious?" Freya blinked at him.

"Whatever master wants to keep hidden, this disciple will help." He pecked the back of her hand.

She chided softly, "You should let yourself go once in a while. Isn't it tired to keep everything inside?"

Mason remained silent as he looked at her, even without saying anything, Freya knew what his gaze conveyed. 'Do you have the right to critique me?'.

"Fair enough," Freya waved him goodbye and headed into Caiden's castle.

She waltzed in like she owned the place. Well, with how frequent she came here, this place was her second home.

She sucked on the lollipop she took on the way and headed towards his room. Only her footsteps echoed in the vacant hallway.

She didn't even bother knocking. There were multiple layers of barriers surrounding the castle, Caiden should've already known of her arrival.

"Caiden?" She peeked through the door. But before she could open it any wider, a hand stopped her.

"...I...can you come back after a week?"

Caiden's voice was unusually hoarse, did he cry?

Freya glanced at the milky white hand with beautiful distinct joints, the green veins protruding on the back of his hands were prominently pulsing. Why was he using so much strength?

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