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Everyone had their eyes on her, especially those from the older generation, their gazes were especially piercing.

Freya opened her mouth slightly before closing it again. She hemmed and hawed, finally spitting out a few words.

"Mason, sound barrier."


Freya clicked her tongue, this disciple is useless, can't he delay things a bit? She was prepared to explain everything, but it was a little hard to put it in words.

"As you have guessed, I let myself die deliberately."

She continued before they could ask, "Beasts of that caliber can't touch a single hair on me if I wasn't willing. I know all of you wanted to know why. "

Freya took a deep breath as her gaze turned serious, "It's to prevent the destruction of the demon realm."

The room went silent. None of them have expected that the reason behind her death...was something so serious.

"Can't you just make sure the reason doesn't happen like you always do?" Andrew furrowed his brows. "That butterfly effect thing you talk about frequently."

For the sake of the demon realm, she let a demonic beast tear her apart, they could only imagine how painful it was.

"That won't work. The cause was a person, not a reason." Freya smiled faintly.

"That person was you, wasn't it?" James clenched his fist.

Freya nodded nonchalantly, "That's why I had to die no matter what. About 5 or 6 years after my death, the demon realm was supposed to cease to exist."

"Why did you choose such a way to die?"

"Because it has the highest success rate from all the path I saw in preventing the annihilation of the demonkind."

"...carrying such a burden, why didn't you tell any of us?" Mason bit his lips, "Were we so untrustworthy?"

"What can you change if I told you?"

Freya's tone was blunt, holding neither anger nor sadness. She was stating the cold truth.

It was only after she said that that she realized it sounded a little cruel. She licked her dry lips before continuing,

"And it's not like I didn't trust any of you, or else I wouldn't leave Black Diamond in your hands. Plus, I won't be able to come back if I did, the ritual restricted me to only tell one individual."

"...the ritual?" Vivian caught onto her point.

"Of course, I planned my revival. Though the success rate wasn't high, there was no way I would sit back and do nothing." Freya raised her brow. "Or do I look like an idiot to you?"

She couldn't help shooting a mocking glare at her arctic fox, "It's a shame that a certain someone didn't have much faith in me and like a moth drawn to the flames, decided his own death."

The older generation all knew who she was referring to. Caiden inexplicably felt a chill down his spine, what did he do? His eyes turned black faintly faced with his beloved's rage.

"Who did you tell?" Arche led the conversation back on track.

Freya stared at her father and blinked twice, "You."

Arche paused in his movements, he had no recollection at all!

As though reading his thoughts, Freya shrugged, "It's normal to not remember. It erased your memories after your task was done."

The Demon King's Beloved DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now