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The door of the balcony creaked open, Caiden glanced over and saw Arche. Caiden put his finger against his own lips, indicating he should keep quiet. Arche nodded and walked over.

Caiden felt Freya moving in his arms and looked down, her aquamarine eyes were wide awake without a hint of sleepiness, staring at him like a predator, ready to kill any moment. It wasn't until her vision cleared and saw that it was Caiden that she relaxed. Caiden didn't feel intimidated by her gaze because he knew she was half asleep, it wasn't the first time.

She was an assassin, it became a habit to not sleep deeply. After coming to this world, the only times when she would sleep deeply is when she was with Arche or Caiden, but that only applies when they were in their territory. However, she couldn't help it sometimes...a five-year-old body needed plenty of rest.

"Did I wake you up?" Arche sounded apologetic making Freya shake her head. In truth, she was startled awake by the sound of the door opening.

"I woke up naturally. It seems like I fell asleep." Her sleepiness gradually came back to her after realizing there was no danger. She rubbed her eyes and yawned.

"Let's head back in." Arche took her from Caiden. Caiden kept his book and followed along as they entered the rowdy hall. He headed to his throne after patting Freya's head.

Freya's eyes brightened when she saw the variety of desserts being served. She tugged Arche's clothes excitedly, "Daddy, I want that!"

Arche sighed and brought her to select her desserts. Freya was delighted, she pointed at several appetizing-looking desserts while Arche put it onto the plate.

They headed back to their seats. Freya wanted to dig in but her plate of desserts was taken away by Arche. He replaced it with a plate filled with meat and vegetables, mostly vegetables.

"...daddy?" Freya eyed her father with confusion evident in her eyes. Why did he take her desserts away?

"You need to have a proper meal first before eating sweets," Arche replied while cutting her steak into small bite-sized pieces.

"But demons don't need to eat..." She pouted. Demons can live without food, eating is more for enjoyment rather than a necessity. She added, "And there's too much vegetable."

"You're a half-angel and you're still growing, you need to eat." Arche's tone allowed no room for argument.

Freya could only eat the things on her plate with a gloomy face. Despite grumbling all the way, she still finished her food obediently. Arche held back from laughing and rewarded her with the plate of desserts. She savored the dessert, eating those grass was worth it.

She started to feel bored and wanted to take another nap. She made herself comfortable in Arche's embrace. She was about to close her eyes before she felt herself being picked up.

"Yaya, let's go dance." Luca smiled. Freya blinked and processed what he said.

"Okay." She had nothing to do anyway.

Freya stood on Luca's feet, as he started twirling along with the music. Freya felt that it was quite fun, she didn't have to exert any strength. She let out a giggle which made Luca's eyes soften. He couldn't help himself and picked her up, squeezing her in a tight hug.

"Brother Luca?" Freya's eyes widened at the sudden hug. Well, it wasn't the first time Luca acted this way. She sighed and hooked her previously folded arms around his neck.

Freya's eyes met with a girl's at the corner of the room, she was glaring at them. She glanced around to confirm there was no one around them. Did she offend anyone?

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