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"Professor Luca!"

Luca inclined his head, gesturing the student to proceed with her question. However, her voice wouldn't come out the moment those blood-red eyes met with hers, a faint blush tinted her cheeks.

They were so lucky to get such a handsome professor, but...but he was just too attractive!

His long violet hair was braided loosely as it shined under the reflection of the sun. His distinct features had a sense of oppression, but when he smiled, it gave off a warm and gentle vibe.

With the flower filters reserved for male leads in an idol drama that she had added, she couldn't look away. The question had long flown to the back of her mind, leaving it blank. Could it be, she's fated to be the heroine? The forbidden student-teacher relationship could be hers!

Luca who stood behind the podium waited for the student's question, only to find the gaze that was looking at him turning a little strange.

"What is your question?"

His voice snapped the student out of her daydream. Realizing the whole class was looking at her, her whole person turned red. Well... she couldn't be more embarrassed, right?

"Do you have a lover?"

Luca's artificial smile did not falter, "We're in class. Please ask questions relevant to the topic."

The student was disappointed but it wasn't only her who wanted to know the answer. Luca never talked about himself, except for his name and the fact that he's royalty, they knew nothing about their professor.

Thus, the whole class started whining.

"Come on, professor~"

"Tell us, tell us. Class is almost over anyway."

"You're taking leave for the next few days, is it to meet your lover?"

Luca's head started to hurt. He helplessly sighed, "I don't have a lover."

But he did have a savior, when he was walking through a black, endless tunnel...she showed up and lighted the way to the exit.

Demons were stronger compared to humans, child labor isn't life-threatening but...it happened anyway. Shortly after he was born, his mother passed away. 

As the young child that had earned the nickname 'Cursed Prince', he had to endure criticisms from everyone around him. He pretended not to care, but emotions weren't something a four-year-old can control.

His father treated him well, but they never had a heart-to-heart talk. No, he never wanted to open his heart to his father or anyone for that matter. He didn't want to get hurt.

He started avoiding demons, he started staying in his room, he closed himself off. Andrew, being a father for the first time didn't know what to do. He thought it would be alright after a few months. After all, boys have their own pride.

However, many springs came and winters passed, the child had already turned 10. Ten years was a blink of an eye for demons, not to mention Andrew who had lived for a century.

That wasn't the case for Luca, it was a long long time, spending five years in loneliness was painful. He did nothing wrong, he never asked to be born...so why did everyone despise him? It wasn't fair...it wasn't fair at all!

...was he really cursed?

"Luca, there's someone you need to meet."

When Luca raised his head, he saw the clearest eyes he had ever seen. Like diamonds, they were shining. There was no hate, no indignation, no disgust...

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