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"Yaya, isn't this too revealing?" Luca asked with his brows furrowed.

His protectiveness meter rose to the max. He took off the outer layer of his hanfu, wanting to drape it over her. But she rejected it, "It's only for the performance, I'll change after that."

Freya looked exceedingly prepossessing. Her slender and pale waist was revealed out in the air. Her sleeves were made out of sheer silk, it was puffy but the rubber that wrapped around her wrist at the end highlighted her slim arms.

The long silk ribbons attached to her wrist fluttered every time she moved, making her look divine.

Her forehead chain that hung purple diamonds jingled with every slight movement while her peach blossom hair was decorated with violet roses.

Her flawless beauty made the servants take glances one after another. Other than the selected ones who were bound by blood contracts, they rarely get to see their princess.

Seeing Luca's uncertainty, she ushered, "Brother, just go to the sitting area. It's going to start soon."

At an unknown time, Luca who was wavering was already pushed in front of the banquet hall entrance. Freya was about to sneak away when a pair of arms wrapped around her shoulders.

Freya looked up and saw Luca gazing down at her. Her smile stiffened, he looked angry. She gulped and let out a 'hehe'.

As she thought, the face of her cousin is priceless. Not to mention, he became a professor at the age of 24! When will she get a sister-in-law? Oh, a brother-in-law wouldn't be bad too.

"So, where are you escaping to?" Luca met her eyes, "Has uncle approved of your costume?"

Freya gave up on struggling, Luca didn't have the slightest intention to let her go. She smiled and lied, "Of course, papa knows."

"Lying to me now, are we? Our Yaya is growing braver day by day." His menacing smile made Freya shrink. Her eyes averted as an awkward smile appeared on her pretty features.

The clothes weren't too revealing, it only revealed her abdomen. Freya had worn more revealing clothes for missions that required close contact with the targets. This was already quite modest for her.

"Brother, won't you just see what I've prepared? I've practiced so hard."

Luca averted his eyes, her puppy eyes were too effective. He sighed and nodded, making Freya beam as she kissed his cheek.

"Then, uncle doesn't know what you're performing?" Luca raised his brow.

"Nope, I told daddy it's a surprise!" She smiled brightly.

A sense of helplessness flashed through his eyes, he pecked her forehead. His eyes landed on her 11 line abs, he really wanted to cover her up...

After Luca went in, she exhaled. It would be time for her to enter after a few minutes. She had performed at banquets in her previous life before, it's not her first time. But, this time, she couldn't help feeling nervous.

"It'll be fine," Freya murmured to herself.

She took a deep breath as the doors opened. All eyes landed on her but she did not panic, she held her head high as she gracefully made her entrance. Freya headed to her family and friends and curtseyed.

When Arche saw what his daughter was wearing, his brows furrowed, displeasure flared in his eyes. He held back the urge to roll her into a sushi roll with a blanket. Everyone present had the same thought as him.

Freya saw their thoughts blazing through their eyes and made a quick escape to the stage. The music started playing after she gave her signal.

The moment she started dancing, everyone was mesmerized. Freya was very good at acting, thus her expressions were all on point.

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