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The surrounding became silent, all of them looked at Freya with widened eyes. A gun...she wanted a gun?!

"...did I ask for the impossible?" She noticed the weird atmosphere and lowered her gaze. "It's for self-defense, I won't simply kill people."

That's not the problem here, how could Arche let his five-year-old hold a gun with his overprotectiveness? What if she accidentally shot herself?

But it was his fault...If he was able to protect her that time, maybe Freya won't have any insecurities.

"Baby, I don't think that's suitable for your age." Arche's tone turned soft as he sat her on his lap. "It's my fault for letting you feel unsafe, I understand why you want a gun."

Freya smiled, "It's not daddy's fault, I just feel that I'm too weak."

"Your powers lie in healing, there's no need to compare yourself with us. You are already very strong." Andrew said in a serious tone which was unlike his usual self.

"...so it's a no? The twins are already having swordsmanship lesson." She sulked.

"Guns and swords are different, and we are older." Austin furrowed his brows while Alistar nodded in agreement.

"By two years." Freya pointed out. She sighed reluctantly, "A dagger is fine too." Although it'll be a little dirty.

She didn't want her skills to get too rusty. She still needs to kill the protagonist if anything happens. Maybe it's a little too soon in other people's eyes, but for her, the earlier the better. She wanted to see if she could cooperate her butterflies with the weapons.

"...a dagger should be fine. What else do you want?" Arche's tone was full of indulgence, in any case, he'll make sure the dagger has dull edges.

Freya's smile brightened, "Then I want a lot of des-"

Before she could finish her words, Freya vanished right before their eyes.

"Freya? Where did she go?" Caiden was the first one to snap out of his daze.

"Human realm...fuck, someone summoned her." Arche's brows furrowed as he tracked Freya's location. Good thing he cast a location spell on her.

He let out a sigh and supported his head with his hand. Arche stood up and headed to the exit, "I thought I made sure that no one learns of her summoning circle. I'm heading to the human realm."

Demons couldn't teleport to the human realm directly unless they were summoned, they had to use the gate connecting the two realms. Going through the gates requires the permission of the guardians of the gates. In short, it was a very troublesome process.

Nothing will happen to his daughter, right? Please just stay safe until he gets there.

"-sert...daddy?" The smile on Freya's face disappeared, where the hell was she?!

She looked down at the dimming summoning circle and understood the situation. It seems like the summoner made a mistake, this was supposed to be Arche's summoning circle but there was a splash that was probably drawn by accident, making the magic circle hers.

Freya felt something moving under her shoes and flinched away. Freya looked at the child she stepped on a moment ago apologetically. She may have been too focused on the runes.

The boy had honey blonde hair that shone like gold accompanied by blood-red eyes that were glowing in the dark night. Freya blinked, another pleasant-looking brat. The boy stammered, "A c-child? Why are you here? What are you?"

Freya frowned and retorted with a voice filled with annoyance, "I should be the one asking that. Why the heck did you summon me?"

Her eyes narrowed dangerously, this boy was not human. What's an angel doing in the mortal world? And why did he summon a demon?

"...I need you to save my grandmother." The boy whimpered, the rims of his eyes were red from crying, "She...she's going to die."

"Where?" Freya's tone was calm but it was clear that she was in a hurry from her actions.

She followed the boy and didn't hesitate to use her crystal butterflies on the old lady. She bit her lower lip until it was bleeding because of the suffocating pain. It took a few minutes for the old lady's condition to stabilize.

Freya looked at the sleeping old lady, she was a human. Did this blonde kid not know he was an angel? Whatever, it wasn't her problem.

"Hey kid, do you know there is a price for summoning a demon?" She asked with a raised brow. "You should call a doctor for something like this."

"No one wanted to help, we don't have money." The boy gazed at the ground, making him look extremely pitiful. "I'll pay the price."

Freya sighed, "You know, demons don't have healing abilities. You're lucky that I was the one summoned. Don't do this next time, you would've gotten killed."

But it was probably out of desperation, angels can't be summoned after all. Demons like striking deals with humans since it was amusing, and take their souls after the deal ends.

The boy nodded and asked, "What's the price?"

"Your soul." She said with no hesitation, making the boy go pale. After seeing his expression, she stopped teasing him, "I'm just kidding."

Freya pondered carefully and couldn't think about anything she could ask from this child, "Then you owe me a favor, er...what's your name?"

Well, it's not like she'll be seeing him again anyways.

"Dylan, Dylan Alcart."

His name made Freya's eyes widen, the protagonist's friend? He was in the gang of the hero...his position was a mage. The humans and angels used him as a sign of alliance. But that wasn't important for now.

"Dylan, just so you know, I may have stopped your grandmother's seizure and cured her illness but I can't prevent her from falling into a deep slumber forever. Do you understand?" Freya's tone turned serious.

"I understand. Thank you for extending her time." Dylan bowed making Freya pat his head.

Freya reminded, "Remember, never summon a demon again. Or else, the two of you might lose your life."

"Freya!" Arche's voice made her look back, her dad picked her up and scanned her for any injuries.

"Daddy, I'm fine." She reassured. Arche shot a glare to Dylan, his killing intent soaring, "Brat, how dare you summon my daughter? Do you have a death wish?"

"Daddy, he's a child. He had his reasons, let's go home." Freya blocked Arche's gaze of the little boy who was shivering like a small bunny. Arche clicked his tongue and turned away, carrying his daughter. Freya waved at the boy and bid him goodbye.

"...will we meet again?" The child's whisper made its way into Freya's ear.

She let out a faint smile, "You are a great child but It's best if we never cross paths again." If she can, she wanted to avoid the hero completely.

Arche teleported to the gate and hugged Freya tightly, "You're good at making people worry."

"Ehehe," Freya averted her gaze, "He was trying to summon you, he made a mistake."

Their summoning circle was quite similar, the only difference was that she had a horizontal line.

"...that child's an angel." Freya sighed, "His pure mana was really something. He might become a threat one day."

Arche didn't deny what she said, instead he questioned, "Is that why you said you never want to cross paths with him again?"

Freya nodded, "I don't want daddy and the others to be in danger."

"Don't worry, we're not weak." Arche rubbed his chin on Freya's head. "My little princess worries too much."

Freya smiled and said nothing. She ignored the restless feeling surging in her chest and nuzzled her head against Arche's shoulder. The wind veiled her whisper of anxiousness,

"I hope that's the case. "

The Demon King's Beloved DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now