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"It started raining!"

Liquid as red as the flames of hell fell from the sky, a drop and another until it started pouring without care. The sticky blood rain had a fishy smell that was unpleasant to all. The demons detested it and started seeking coverage.

The angelic voice of a lady resounded amidst the screams and despair. An eerie hymn was heard throughout the realm. It had a peculiar and mesmerizing tone that deeply etched itself into people's hearts. 

The young lady floated above the crowd dressed in white, looking as pure as a lily yet it couldn't hide the dangers that came from within. A purple transparent barrier surrounded her as she sang,

Her peach blossom hair entangled with the wind and her supposed aquamarine eyes glowed as golden as the sun. Most associate the sun with warmth, yet they were devoid of heat, empty and full of bloodlust.

Screams came from the army of angels as they felt their flesh corroding away, "M-melting! I'm melting!"

Their skin started oozing like mucus coating every grain of their body. They melted away like ice cream in extreme heat.

Arche stared at the pile of melting tissues that left only their bones and a pile of red behind. His eyes held discomfort.

It was not out of pity, but instead of a misbelief of his daughter's plan. Demons were immune to the rain, but it was lethal to angels and humans.

Some ran to take cover but were unfortunately dragged and kicked out by the house owners. It was as she wanted.

Her cold glance chilled the heart of her lover, she was looking at these lives as though they were mere trash as she hummed the song that summoned the acidic rain.

The arc of her lips was devious as she looked at them suffer. Pure ecstasy flooded her mind when she saw the pain on Alexander's face. Although he won't be affected by the rain as a higher being, he must not feel good seeing his citizens being treated so cruelly.

This was his retribution for hurting Andrew. She held deep grudges. As though possessed, a twisted grin appeared on her face.

"Shit, she's doing this on her own will but the demon realm somewhat affected her sanity," Alexander cursed under his breath.

Archer headed to his daughter, tears pouring down his face, "Freya, my baby girl, you have to stop this. Wasn't it you who said that we have to move on?"

Freya glanced at her dad who was banging the barrier in frustration. It took her a while to realise who it was. He must've finished reading the letter.

She knew he didn't dare to use his full force to break the barrier due to the fear of her getting hurt.

A little bit of warmth resurfaced in her eyes, and the twisted smile turned soft, "There's no turning back. I love you, daddy."

Caiden's ears dropped, this was the first thing he heard when he rushed to her. His voice broke as he raised his voice desperately, "You liar, you said you'll be with me this time."

Yet, he couldn't bring himself to continue yelling at his precious lover. He saw something breaking in her eyes as she blinked away tears that were threatening to fall.

She squeezed out in a hoarse voice, "Sorry, my love. I'm sorry. This is the most beneficial way."

She must be in equal pain, why didn't he think that she would be in pain too? The letter written for him was filled with her regrets...

Freya took a deep breath as she pushed away the emotions that had resurfaced. The spheres of light gathered on top of her with the wave of her hands.

The souls of those dead angels and humans held the mana and life energy that she needed to revive her uncle.

It was finally time.

The magnificent light entered Freya's body, acting as a filter before entering Andrew's. She had stabilised his soul with hers before this, now she needed to revitalise everything.

She clenched her teeth as she endured the torturing pain, her complexion became as pale as a ghost.

Arche could only stare as his daughter sacrificed herself, there was nothing he could do...nothing.

Caiden's hands clenched into fists, he didn't notice how his fingernails had already drugged into his skin.

After the blinding light dispersed, Freya saw the man who was lying flat and slowly sat up. Joy flooded her expression as she went over and hugged Andrew's waist. She threw herself towards him. She missed him so much.

She murmured to herself, "It succeeded!"

However, before she could take a good look at the man's expression, her head was karate chopped. Freya pouted as she glanced at Andrew.

"Uncle, I revived you but you hit me..."

Droplets of tears wetted her cheeks, cutting off her words. Her uncle was crying.

Andrew wasn't laughing as she wanted him to, "Are you an idiot? Who wants to be revived? You think I would be happy if you did this?"

Freya's actions paused. A weak sigh came from her as she said with a small smile, "I'm sorry for being selfish. But, it was because of me that you were killed."

Andrew wanted to scold her but he couldn't when he saw Freya's disappearing arm. Freya glanced at it like it was nothing before forcing out a smile.

She wanted to avoid the gaze of the others. That's why she didn't dare to look back at look at them after reviving Andrew...but she must bid a proper farewell.

She stood up slowly and turned around. As she thought, seeing them sad makes her heart turn bitter. It's like thousands of needles are poking at her.

She looked at her body fading into her beloved butterflies, it was the end. It was a tiring journey.

For the other, they only remember their current lives. However, she experienced many lifetimes, goodbyes, and hardships.

She loved them a lot but she was exhausted. Parting with them is painful, really excruciating.  But, perhaps this was the best happy ending for everyone. Finally, she gets to rest.

A satisfied and warm smile dawned on her countenance as the butterflies flew towards the brilliance of the sun,

"Hehe, stay well everyone. Bye-bye."

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