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"Freya, I've come to pick you up." Andrew picked her up and spun around happily. Freya smiled and nuzzled her head against Andrew making his heart tremble, so adorable! 

It was Luca's graduation ceremony, he was finally going to graduate from the academy. Freya was going to surprise her cousin! 

"Make sure you give her her jacket when you reach the hall, it's cold there. Make sure she stays hydrated and drinks plenty of water. If she's hungry, give her the biscuits I stored in the spatial ring." Arche instructed. 

"I got it, it's not the first time I'm bringing her out," Andrew reassured nonchalantly. "Trust me a bit won't you?" 

"I do trust you, brother. But, you're not really reliable." Arche answered in a matter-of-fact tone. 

Freya had to agree with her father, "Last time we went boating, I almost fell into the river. The boat was already wobbling so much yet you insist on making the current stronger." 

"...why haven't I heard of this?" Arche's eyes narrowed making Andrew look away. Arche sighed and pecked Freya's forehead, "Have fun, listen to your uncle. Brother, you better take care of her with your life, if she gets hurt-"

"I will." Andrew's tone turned serious. With a bitter smile, he continued, "We can't afford to lose her for the second time." 

Arche nodded as he clenched his fist, he got lucky this time. He adjusted his expression and couldn't hold back from grabbing Freya's hand just to feel her warmth. The confused Freya held her father's fingers in her small hand and tilted her head at him. Her heart was still beating, everything would be fine. 

Freya who was focused on playing with Cinder just now recalled the weird sentence and glanced at her uncle with a puzzled expression, "Have I ever left you guys?" 

"Oh dear, look at the time! We have to get going, bye." Andrew laughed awkwardly after realizing what he said and avoided the question. He teleported to the academy with Freya in his arms. 

As they entered the hall, they were greeted by the headmaster. Andrew was a demon king, so their seat was naturally special. They sat at the VIP room on the second floor that had the best view of the entire hall. They were served with many beverages and snacks.

Freya tacitly didn't touch any of the food and sat obediently on the sofa beside Andrew as she hugged Cinder. It wouldn't end up well if she gets poisoned again. She glanced around, as expected of one of the three great academies in the novel, the interior was designed extravagantly.  

The academy of the demon realm, Blood Abyss. Every demon had to attend this academy, including the children of the demon kings. It teaches the rules of the demon realm as well as what one would usually learn in school. 

The demons start attending at the age of 13 and normally graduate at the age of 18. Luca was graduating one year ahead, at the age of seventeen because he skipped a grade. 

"I doubt Arche would let you attend. You'll probably just take the test." Andrew murmured making Freya turn to him. 

The only exception is that the demon passes the test that was twice as hard as the original one at the age of 16, meaning they had to study ahead. If they fail the test, they had to attend the academy starting from the first year, no questions asked. Though the syllabus was harder than her previous world, it won't be a problem for Freya.

"I understand why he's so protective of you...but I think he should ask for your opinion." Andrew glanced at her with a meaningful look while cupping his cheek with his hand.

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