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"Just kidding."

The girl's playful tone did not match the ice-cold gaze she directed at the man. She clicked her tongue as the man who was her 'father' a second ago morphed into a man with blinding gold hair and blood-red eyes.

She probably wouldn't have noticed if she didn't see the number on top of Arche's head changing. She should thank her ability to see other people's kill count. 

"Dylan...or should I call you, Alexander, Lord of the Heavenly realm? What makes you grace this lowly one with your honourable presence?" Her sarcastic tone did not irritate the man, instead, his smile deepened.

He reached out his arm and caressed her face, "Freya, it's not polite to speak to your other half like that."

Freya narrowed her eyes and smacked his hand away, but no matter how infuriated she was, the smile never left her lips.

"So should I thank you for interrupting my heartfelt talk with my dad? Well, at least you had the conscience to swap after we ended the conversation. "

Before he could say anything, Freya corrected herself, " No, to be more accurate, this is your domain that you've pulled me into. I've gotten rusty. "

"It was a spectacle to see you cry so freely," Alexander's eyes curved with amusement, "So, when did you find out it was me?"

Freya scrutinised him silently. Of course, she knew he was referring to when she found out he was Dylan. Honestly, she never imagined the kid she picked up on a whim was Alexander.

Only now did she know she brought a wolf in sheep's clothing into her own den. It was too late.

At first, she really thought that he was just a character in the novel she read when her soul existed inside that book. Thank the devils she didn't let her guard down and trusted that beautiful child that appeared harmless.

She lied flawlessly without any guilt, "Unfortunately for me, I found out too late. It was a few months ago."

"But you didn't expose my identity?" His beautiful ruby eyes widened slightly.

"What can I do if I revealed your identity? I don't have my full powers, I don't even have half of my soul left. I was hoping you would go away on your own, yet your underlings killed my uncle," hostility was evident in her eyes as she glared at him.

Alexander tucked a crimson rose that he conjured into her hair, "That was my bad, the main reason I'm here is to kick those underlings back to the heavenly realm."

"Without punishment?" Freya's brows furrowed, as her smile disappeared for a split second. But she quickly readjusted her state.

No matter how much chagrin he caused her, she still chose to smile. She knew better than anyone how dangerous this man in front of her was, a little crack in her armour could cost her.

She will not show any weakness, even if it means bluffing all the way. She could lie without batting an eyelash.

She continued calmly, "What they've done can't be undone, I want them to die under my hands, as grotesquely as possible."

She wanted to dismember them finger by finger, limb by limb. The thought of gouging those pesky eyes out and cutting out their tongues made her anger dissipate a little.

"I'm afraid I can't do that."

Freya who initially was in a reverie cocked her brow, the killing intent emitted by her couldn't be hidden, like a lion ready to pounce on her prey.

"Hey, don't be mistaken. I'm not asking." She gripped his collar, and a vicious smile dawned on her lips, "Don't get cocky, I can and will bring my powers back by force like what I have done for several lifetimes."

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