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The crowd whispered amongst themselves as they naturally gave way to Caiden. Their lord actually came to such a rowdy place. Everyone knew he would rather spend his days peacefully in the castle.

They were correct. If it weren't for Freya's sake, he would've never come to this place. His ears were very sensitive so he disliked loud noises more than anything.

"Is there anything you want to try?" He asked in a doting voice.

Freya fell into serious contemplation. After some serious thinking, she said, "...candied apples?"

Caiden headed for the stall that sold candied apples. The owner immediately handed her one while Caiden paid.

Oh, the apples looked like peaches. Freya didn't mind, she took a bite and felt the sweetness bursting in her mouth. The apples were sweet, the hardened candy tasted more like honey to her but it was still delicious.

"Can I have a bite?"

Freya didn't mind and tilted the candied apple to him. Caiden's eyes flashed black for a second before turning to gold as he took a bite. He never thought that Freya would actually feed him.

She wanted to try goldfish scooping but after seeing the 'goldfish' in the demon realm, she decided to retreat. The black things swimming in the pool, she didn't want it.

[note- goldfish scooping is a traditional Japanese game in which a player scoops goldfish with a paper scooper.]

After having a few kebabs and some cotton candy, she was satisfied. Caiden let her down so that she could take a walk after eating. He held her little hand carefully and wrapped his tails around her to shield her from others. 

Freya touched the fluffy tail and got addicted to it. In the end, one of them ended up in her free arm. She hugged it as she walked. Caiden occasionally moved his tail to play with her.

After they reached the hilltop, Caiden picked her up again. He easily jumped from a branch to another until they reached the top of the tree.

Freya enjoyed the night view of the east on the tree. She tilted her head and saw the four moons hanging in the sky. The black moon was several times darker than the night sky, it was very conspicuous.

"Do you know what they represent?" Caiden asked.

"I don't know." She shook her head, she thought it was a natural phenomenon. Did it have a meaning?

"The white moon represents the north, the black one represents the east, the gold one represents the south and the silver one represents the west." He explained patiently. "Only the rulers can wear clothes of the color of the moon of their respective region."

So that's why her dad wears white for formal meetings...she realized something and looked at Caiden, "...I'm wearing black."

"It's fine, I don't care about traditions, and there was only black cloth left in the castle," Caiden replied naturally.

Though he lied in the latter part, it was true that he doesn't care about traditions. But this wasn't a tradition, it's a rule. Anyone who dares wear black in the east will get killed by him. Similarly, if anyone wears white in the north, Arche will undoubtedly kill them. It's because only challengers will wear clothes of the same color as the ruler.

This was the first rule taught to all the demon children in kindergarten. But Freya was a special case and she was good at self-studying so Arche never had the thought of letting her leave his side. What if Freya gets assassinated? Or maybe discriminated? And she was his daughter, she could wear any color of clothing that she wants. 

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