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Freya stood at the shooting range, firing shots over and over again. The silencer made the venue quiet enough for Arche to go through his work.

Freya clicked her tongue, her eyes narrowed as she mumbled, "A few centimeters off."

She was now seven years old. She received the private shooting range from Arche as her birthday present while the pistol was gifted by Caiden.

Luca bought her the books she wanted. Andrew gave her a teleportation stone that could only be used twice but freaking expensive. Oscar and Sophia gave her many beautiful dresses, and the twins gave her stuffed animals decorated with gems and diamonds.

The indoor shooting range had a working space for Arche so that he could watch over her even when he's busy. He would relax in the resting room which had glass walls and read a book if he had no work.

Freya sighed, it should take a few more days to get her accuracy back to how it was in her past life. A few millimeters off wouldn't matter if the target wasn't moving but if it was a moving one...

"That's enough for today." Arche took her pistol away. "Don't tire yourself out."

Freya nodded as Arche picked her up. She looked at where they were heading, "We're going for a walk?"

Arche nodded and proceeded to the garden, he let her down once they'd arrived and held her hand. The doctor told them that walks were good for her the last time her poison acted up, and so they go on walks at least three times a week.

Freya had suggested leaving the poison in her blood since it was so hard to extract. Plus, it was fatal to angels. If she met another one, she could just feed them her blood. It's not like she'd die leaving it in her body.

Coughing up blood for poisonous blood, how nice! But that idea was rejected by Arche, no questions asked.

Freya's mind wandered as she followed Arche mindlessly. She was daydreaming until she stepped on something, losing her balance.

Her eyes widened as she felt her heart jolt in surprise. She prepared for the incoming pain but Arche caught her in time, preventing her from falling on her buttocks.

"Be careful." Arche sighed and picked her up.

"...a fluff ball?" She looked at the ball of grey fur.

Freya noticed black liquid coming out of it and her brows furrowed. Was it hurt? She summoned her butterflies and healed that little thing.

"Baby, don't casually heal things." Arche sighed, his daughter was too kind-hearted. It would've been bad if she healed an assassin.

"If it held hostility, it would've died." Freya glanced at Arche. She motioned for Arche to let her down and ambled over to the furball, "Daddy would've noticed right away. You didn't stop me because it wasn't bad."

Arche couldn't argue with that, he bent down and observed the grey furball along with Freya. Freya poked the thing, "It moved!"

The furball uncurled itself, revealing an owl. Freya looked at it and thought it faced the wrong way, or else why wouldn't it have a face. She poked it lightly, hoping it would turn its head this way.

The creature opened its eye startling Freya, it only had one humongous eye on its face. Its cat ears popped up as it tilted its head with three fluffy dog tails wagging behind it.

"...daddy, I don't remember reading about this species." Freya eyed the creature curiously. "Do you know what it is?"

She held out her hand as the creature rubbed its head against her palm delightedly. At first, she was a little frightened by its unusual appearance but now...it's kind of cute.

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