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In the dimly lit library, Freya used her arms as a cushion as she laid her head on them and rested her eyes. The little sunlight that seeped through the curtains lightly brushed against her delicate features.

She was taking a small break after reading through a few philosophy books. The concepts of demons weren't really different from humans, it's just a tad wilder.

Her eyelashes quivered slightly when she felt someone coming into the library, she pretended to be asleep. Two demons, these footsteps weren't her dad's nor was it Caiden's. She gripped her dagger steadily in the hidden compartment of her dress.

The moment one of them entered her vicinity, she swung the dagger to where she predicted the throat to be. Freya cast the intruder a cold glance from the corner of her eyes while the dagger pressed onto their neck.

A familiar face entered her sight, Austin stood there with his hands held up obediently. His amber eyes that were widened slightly went back to normal as he grinned at her cheekily. These two tend to change the way their footsteps sound for fun.

Freya lowered the dagger as she scolded, "Idiots, didn't you learn how to knock?"

"We didn't want to wake you up." Austin defended, earning a sigh from Freya.

She clicked her tongue but she couldn't help softening her gaze. She mercilessly retorted, "So you rather be killed? You should be glad I used the dagger instead of my pistol."

"...well, I was prepared. I would've avoided it if I deemed it was dangerous." Austin explained as if he was wronged, like a puppy that was accused of stealing a drumstick by its owner.

Freya rolled her eyes and didn't continue with the topic, in terms of strength, the twins were several times better than her. They can use buffs and spells, it's not fair!

While they were talking, Alistar silently took off his coat and draped it on Freya. She was wearing a sleeveless dress today, it was quite cold in the library. She had the habit of blasting the winter crystals to their lowest temperature.

Freya thanked Alistar and asked languidly, "So, what are you guys doing here? You guys visited yesterday."

The twins usually visited very frequently so Freya wasn't surprised. When they were younger, they would bug their father to teleport them here. After learning how to teleport themselves, they visited Freya at least every four days to play.

Freya had to thank the fact they had school, or else they would've visited every day. It's not like she hated playing with them, but it was tiring. The two little monkeys made her run here and there until she was devastated.

It had only gotten better in recent years. After growing up, they finally understood the beauty of sitting and sipping tea peacefully while reading a book or two. Freya that was spared from stamina training felt ecstatic.

"Tsk, we're going to Academy tomorrow. I'm scared you're going to miss me too much so I came to see you." Austin tutted.

Freya was genuinely impressed, how thick-skinned was he to say something like that with a straight face? Freya was about to tear that skin off but Alistar beat her to it, "Are you sure you're not the one missing her?"

Freya was expecting Austin to retort, but his reaction made her eyes widen before letting out a chuckle. His ears flushed pink but he was still trying his best to keep his composure.

"Are you not going to miss us?" Alistar turned to Freya, she could practically feel his anticipation through those droopy eyes. He reminded her of a golden retriever. 

Alistar was usually very reticent and silent, he likes to convey his feelings through action. But when he speaks, he gets straight to the point.

"Of course." Freya gently knocked her knuckles on their foreheads.

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