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Hundred of thousands of crystal butterflies flew around the room with a snap of her fingers. Freya's butterflies gathered at the corner of the room after fluttering around, surrounding whoever that was.

"Looks like I was found out." The man let out a hearty laugh. "Your killing intent was really scary, I almost thought Arche was the one emitting it."

Freya's eyes widened after hearing the voice, displeasure flashed through her eyes. She waved her hands and the butterflies turned into crystal shards. It rained down the room before disappearing into the ground.

She burrowed her face into the crook of Arche's neck. Arche patted her head in comfort and looked at the guest. He glanced at the man before turning to Freya, "When did you learn how to curse?"

Freya was speechless, aren't you going to greet your father? She leaned back a little to face Arche.

"Uncle used it last time, why can't I?" She tilted her head innocently as she apologized to Andrew in her heart.

"Brother." Arche's one word sent chills down Andrew's spine.

"But Freya won't use it anymore so don't scold uncle, okay?" She pleaded cutely. Arche could only sigh and let his brother off this time.

"What brings you here, father?" Andrew asked the man in white whose hair was tied up into a high ponytail.

Freya cast her grandfather a glance, he looked exactly like her uncle except there were wrinkles under his eyes. She heard from her uncle that her grandfather cultivated into a demon when he was fifty or something so he looks older. He was originally human, unlike Arche and Andrew who were born as demons.

She turned her gaze away and continued burrowing into her father, wanting to find a sense of security.

"Oh dear, she's still scared of me it seems."

Who wouldn't be scared of someone who tried to kill them?! Freya's eyes darkened as she curled up even more. It's not like she could snipe Anouk's head off without a sniper. Arche sensed his daughter's uneasiness and tightened his hold.

"I still don't understand why you wanted this thing to be born. Arche, I am very disappointed in you. Why mixed in filthy blood in our lineage?" Anouk sighed. "She should've never been born."

Arche's eyes cooled, his gaze became sharp, "If you're here to nag me, get out. You have no right to say this in front of my daughter."

"If I have no right, then who has the right to?" Anouk chuckled. "If only she's a pureblood, she would have so much potential. Maybe there's a way to remove that disgusting blood of hers or else she'd be better off dead."

"Father, if you're here to make trouble, please see yourself out." Andrew couldn't bear it any longer, his niece was only five. "Freya, don't listen to his nonsense."

"I'm merely saying the truth."

"Enough. I didn't kill you when we fought for the throne but it doesn't mean that I will never kill you." Caiden who had been silent spoke up. Freya was sure now, his eyes did turn red before.

Anouk immediately held his tongue as he felt his body being oppressed by an unknown force. This was the demon king's authority, it was used to keep their subjects in check. Anouk was a citizen of the east so Caiden was able to use it on him.

"...I came here because I have something to tell the two of you." Anouk sighed and raised his arms in defeat.

"I'll take Freya." Caiden volunteered as he walked over to Arche. Freya saw him and blinked. She reluctantly released her father as she was handed over to Caiden.

The Demon King's Beloved DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now