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The eyes of thousands held respect and admiration, for the average demon, demon kings were already an unparalleled existence. The demon lord was an existence akin to a god.

Freya's lashes fluttered slightly as she refrained from frowning. The cheers were going to shatter her earbuds, it was unpleasant. She raised her hand as the crowd became silent.

Her pleasant voice was loud and clear, "I'm revealing myself because of what we may face in the near future."

The future was like a fishbone stuck in her throat. It was piercing her but she couldn't swallow it, she couldn't remove it as well. There were no medical procedures that could help her.

As her thoughts wandered, her face turned grim as the scenario appeared in her mind. If she could, she would want to avoid it, especially when her powers will no longer return to their former glory.

"The war between angels and demons might continue after many centuries of peace, and this time, humans will probably side with the angels.

As you all know, my precious uncle, Andrew the former King of the West was assassinated by angels."

When she finished her sentence, she saw many demons who were holding back their fury. This scene warmed her heart. Her uncle was a great ruler.

"This time, the selection of the new demon king to take my Uncle's place will not be as tradition. Luca, my Uncle's heir shall be throned as the new king and the ceremony will be held tomorrow."

Before the demons could oppose, Freya held her finger to her lips, shushing them. She had expected them to not accept, after all, no being likes change, especially a tradition that has existed for millennials.

"I understand your frustration, however, the tradition will return after the dangerous period has passed. As the lord of the demon realm, I hereby swear with my title.

I'll also ask for everyone's cooperation, please refrain from killing each other during this period as well. Though I know killing is allowed in the demon realm, our enemy is a few times our size so for once, let's work together to defend our realm."

Freya who has always held her head high, threw away her pride and bowed. This action surprised even her family and friends, not to mention the other demons.

She inhaled deeply and said with a smile, "Finally, I'm closing the demon realm, this process will take months. However, as a precaution, for those who have family not present, please bring them back as soon as possible within 2 these two weeks and don't head to the other realms again.

Those who have angel lovers please head to the central square to have them registered, they can stay so long they become fallen."

Although demons and angels were natural adversaries, there were still those who were an exception. Love wasn't something one could control. Just look at her, she's a hybrid between two races.

"Then you are all dismissed."

Freya swiftly leapt back to the tower and met with the others. The warmth she reserved specifically for them became prominent in her crystal-clear eyes. It no longer held the cold haughtiness of a ruler.

"Shall we head back?"

Caiden stared at her silently and brought her into an embrace. He looked at Arche, "I'll bring her back to my palace. I will bring her back before tonight."

Freya's eyes widened, this type of bond is dangerous, he could read her emotions like an open book. But she is the one who agreed in the first place.

She looked at the others and mouthed a 'bye bye' before Caiden teleported her to his room.

The Demon King's Beloved DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now