~Christmas Special~

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In the darkroom, the thirteen-year-old got down from her bed carefully as she tiptoed towards the door. It wasn't until she was out that she let out the breath she was holding.

Freya cheered in her heart, she got out successfully, Arche didn't wake up. Her bed was just beside her dad's, after all, it was safer for her if any assassins come to visit her at night.

Cinder who followed her out was still in a daze, the sun wasn't even out yet, what did his master want to do? Freya patted the furball and proceeded to the kitchen.

In her previous world, today was supposed to be Christmas. Though the demon realm doesn't celebrate it, she thought it would be nice to use this day to make some treats for her family and friends.

It was four in the morning, the chefs have yet to wake up, thus the kitchen belonged to her. Freya hummed a tune as she got ready the ingredients.

She knew how to cook and bake some simple desserts. She loved desserts, but she didn't have any chefs in her previous life so she could only learn it herself.

Freya clicked her tongue, "The ingredients in the demon realm aren't aesthetically pleasing at all, especially the fruits."

She rolled up her sleeves and tied her hair into a simple ponytail. She wrote down the recipe she frequently used onto a piece of paper neatly, just so she won't miss anything later.

She first sifted a cup of all-purpose flour, half of cup of cocoa powder, ¼ teaspoon of baking soda, 1&½ teaspoon of baking powder, and a small pinch of salt into a big bowl.

Then, she cracked four eggs into another bowl. Using a magic mixer, she made sure the egg whites and egg yolks were thoroughly incorporated until it's slightly on the whiter side.

After that, she added a cup of powdered sugar, a little at a time until the mixture was fluffy. After adding ¾ cups of vegetable oil and two teaspoons of vanilla essence, she beat it until it was combined.

Freya didn't like making a mess, so she washed up the magic mixer immediately after using it. Her actions were very quick as she didn't want the fluffy mixture to sink.

Finally, the dry ingredients were skillfully folded in and the batter was finally done. She looked at the pink batter as her lips pursed into a straight line.

The cocoa powder in the demon realm was pink, so it naturally turned out to be pink but Freya couldn't help but feel that something wasn't right. She was making a chocolate cake...the color just...well whatever.

Freya poured the batter into a tray and sent it inside the preheated oven at 180c for 30 minutes. Cinder who was napping on the counter flew over to Freya and landed on her head, earning a nuzzle from his owner.

Freya looked at the used tools and sighed. It's time to clean up the kitchen, this was the part she hated the most. While she was washing the dishes, she caught Cinder trying to eat the eggshells from the corner of her eyes.

"Cinder." She said in a warning tone, making Cinder halt in his actions and close his mouth. He then turned and looked at her pitifully, his big teary eyes made Freya's heart go soft.

"That's dirty, I'll let you eat some cake later with dad." She threw the colorful eggshells away.

While the cake was baking, she cut the fruits into more pleasing shapes. The blue, bumpy fruits that tasted like strawberries were cut into heart shapes while the white melons that tasted like grapes were cut into little snowmen. She also made some vanilla frosting while she was at it.

Once the cake cooled, she started assembling everything. Of course, some of the fruits didn't have the chance of becoming decoration since they ended up in her tummy. Cinder had his share too. Fruits paired with frosting were the best.

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