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The girl woke up surrounded by tombs. The sunlight caressed her rosy cheeks as the breeze made her hair flutter.

There was no visible expression on Freya's countenance. She ambled over, putting a white lily on top of every grave. The rest of the bouquet was scattered around by her.

Her movements were graceful as she danced in the centre of the tombs. The grass tickled her ankle but the girl paid no mind. The flowers flew up, cooperating with her. With a mesmerising voice like that of a siren, she sang,

"One, two, three, four nights,

The nightmare hunts me, I'm not alright.

I'm lonely and can no longer fight.

Five, six, seven days,

My heart drowned in despair.

The crystals of life have cracked and I wanna die.

Eight, nine, ten is my limit,

The wonderful dreams engulfed my head.

While illusions, they strip me bare.

How defenceless and weak have I become.

Where are you now?

Will I find you again?

Why did you go while I had to stay?

Will you wait, wait for me somewhere?

But look at the time!

The secret is out and I shall hide.

Because deep inside me,

Resides a taboo that has been realised."

The girl stopped her movements slowly before slumping down, sobbing out tears of blood for a long long time. Out of the blue, a hand reached out and patted her shoulder, making her jolt up.

The temperature dropped several degrees, making even Freya shiver. She didn't dare to look at the man behind her...she no longer dared.

"This is what you get for disobeying me."

Freya's aquamarine eyes drooped, "I just...miss them. You are fate itself...don't kill them again. This may be the last time I can turn back time of the demon realm."

Fate stayed silent before sighing, "When will you understand? We are different from them. One more time and you may no longer exist."

"...I know. A new lord of the demon realm will be brought to existence to replace me if I were to disappear, it won't matter."

"Why are you so stubborn?"

"...I'm sorry."

Fate wrinkled his brows, "Do as you please. Their fates have been set in stone, at least one of them shall face death. There is nothing I can do, but you can try your best. I will not waste any effort to end or save those insignificant creatures."

Freya nodded weakly.

"This will be the fifth time you turned back time, bear the consequences yourself. It's better if you disappear, the next lord of the demon realm should be easier to manage."

Her eyes curved with a small smile, "I do wish to disappear. I'm...tired. I won't do anything if I fail this time. I'll admit that it's time for their souls to rest for eternity."

She had been forcefully pulling their souls out from the reincarnation cycle, returning time to the moment she was created by the demon realm.

Fate shifted his gaze away, she really looked exhausted, those empty eyes of despair were not pleasant to look at.

The Demon King's Beloved DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now