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"Freya's not done?" Arche gazed at the group that arrived.

Caiden shook his head in reply, he had already turned back to his humanoid form. The blush on his face had already faded, but if one observed him carefully, they would see the faintest pink that tinted his ear.

James and Luca stood at the corner of the room, none of them had the desire to eat.

"...I'm sure you know the purpose of our organization."

Luca nodded expressionlessly. Without Freya present, he changed into another person entirely. James was used to this version of Luca so he didn't mind.

"The normal members are called 'sins'. On the other hand, we are called 'major sins' who each represent one of the seven deadly sins. Pride, was the master's title in her previous life."

Luca remained silent, seemingly in deep thought. James thought he did not understand and explained, "To put it simply, the major sins are the Master's disciple while the sins are the disciples of major sins."

"Freya was the one who chose you guys? All of you are very strong and should be older than her, yet you guys willingly followed her?"

Sure, his little sister is very lovable. He would die for her if she wanted him to. But that can't be the same for strangers.

"...master's power in this life is restricted and she does seem milder. You won't ask this question if you knew how she used to be like." James's face showed a complicated expression.

"It won't be exaggerating to say she used to be the strongest demon in the demon realm. He almost got killed by her with a flick on his forehead." Mason joined in.

"...where's your lord?" James frowned, showing blatant displeasure. He wanted to be alone with Luca!

"A slip of the tongue, he's probably...sulking? He asked me who the former Greed was to Master. I didn't want my head flying off so I answered honestly."

His lord was sharp, and with the blood oath he had sworn, his lord will know he was lying the moment he opened his mouth.

"Who was he to her?" Luca asked, curious.

"Lover." James's lips twitched, "The only one who Master considered her equal. He followed Master ever since she was a child if I'm not wrong, probably the earliest out of all of us."

Mason nodded his head, "You're correct. I was the second, he was the first. I was Master's secretary while he was her personal knight."

"Isn't this bad?" Luca's brows knitted.

He knew the temper of Caiden. He had seen him torture suitors who came after Freya during banquets.

He tore the men into shreds without batting an eyelash, blood splattered all over the walls of the room. Those men even begged for death at the end.

His indifference and ruthless methods of torture made, even Luca, who was quite cruel himself, have goosebumps.

Caiden stood at the center of the room, as though snowy white rose amidst the corpses, not a speck of blood reached him. That image had burned into Luca's mind.

He wondered if this man was too dangerous for his adorable little sister. Yaya didn't know what he was doing behind her back.

The twins were lucky that she held them of importance, or else Caiden would've...Luca shuddered at the thought.

The main point was Caiden gets jealous easily, no, possessive should be more fitting.

"My Lord and the former Greed is quite similar at one point. Their feelings for Master had surpassed love, it's more of an obsession." Mason rubbed the back of his neck.

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