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Arche approached the room where his brother rested. His eyes languidly glanced at the man in the coffin with no emotions, at least that is what it seems to an outsider.

If Freya were here, she would notice thousands of emotions flashing in Arche's eyes. His dark purple hair covered his crystal aquamarine eyes as he clenched his fist.

"Brother, it's been a month since your passing. I know Freya cast a barrier so that your soul won't dissipate. She's trying her best to find a way to revive you, so please endure this loneliness.

That child is working so hard for the sake of everyone, I don't know what to do. I can't get her to rest because of how determined she looked. She'll regret and blame herself for the rest of her life if something bad happens to any of us.

But... she's getting weaker. She might not realise it but she looks like she is going to pass out any moment. I saw her becoming translucent when she was taking a nap in my office, I thought my heart was going to jump out of my chest. I can't bear to lose her again...yet I don't know what to do as her father. "

Now that Andrew was gone, he didn't have anyone to seek for advice. He looked at his once lively brother who seemed to be only in deep slumber and took a deep breath to regain his composure.

"Sorry for bothering you about these things even when you're dead. The main reason I came today is to tell you that Luca's coronation is going to be tomorrow.

Freya is going to reveal her identity to the demon realm today. I'm sure she wished that you were here. No, all of us miss you. So, come back soon."

Arche headed to the door without turning back. When he opened the door, someone crashed into him, though not enough to make him stumble.

His cold eyes, softened, "My baby, be careful."

Freya's eyes widened, "Daddy."

It was three in the morning, she didn't expect anyone else to be here. More importantly, "Where is James? I thought I said you guys must move in pairs?"

"I am here, master," The brown-haired man waved casually.

So he used his camouflage. Freya sighed in relief, "Good. Go back to rest, today you guys need to get ready for unexpected conflict."

Arche frowned, "What about you?"

Freya's eyes brightened, "I'm going to meet Uncle for a while. I think I figured out how to restore some part of his soul into his body. Though it might take a few years for a complete restoration."

No matter how excited she seemed, the two men couldn't move their eyes away from the green and purplish bags under her eyes. Not to mention, she seemed to have become thinner.

"...Master, thank you for your efforts," James gave a ninety-degree bow.

Freya's eyes widened. She gave out a chuckle as a helpless grin appeared on her face, "What are you talking about? This is just me being selfish. I could let Uncle's soul rest in peace yet here I am."

"No, he would definitely be thankful for your efforts," Arche brought her into an embrace.

Freya nodded as she snuggled against her father like a kitten, "I really hope so. Now, go rest the two of you."

Arche stood there and stared at Freya earning a pout from her. Honestly, he wanted to accompany her but Freya said this process required an enormous amount of concentration. She needed to be alone.

Thus, he could only leave reluctantly.

Freya stepped into the room with a brilliant smile. "Uncle, I'm here."

The Demon King's Beloved DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now