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"Freya, time to wake up." Caiden ran his fingers through her hair. "Your father is here to pick you up."

Freya grunted and forced her eyes to open. She stretched and yawned before sitting up, "Daddy!"

For the past few months, she would go to the east to play every few days. She didn't have anything to do in the palace anyways. Plus, she enjoyed Caiden's company, he knew her mental age so she didn't have to act oblivious to a lot of things.

"Did my princess have fun today?" Arche picked her up while Freya nodded. He then turned to Caiden, "He's back."

Caiden didn't feel surprised, "Then we can kill that bastard soon."

Freya looked at both of them with confusion in her eyes, who's back? Caiden noticed her curiosity but said nothing deliberately. She looked like a cute curious puppy, he wanted to savor this moment.

"You can come along if you want to meet him, he's at my place," Arche invited.

"I still have something to do, I'll go later." Caiden approached Freya and pinched her cheek, "I'll see you later."

With that, Arche teleported back to the north with Freya in his arms. He put her down after they arrived. Freya automatically headed to the office but Arche tugged her in another direction, "We're going to meet some guests today."

Freya recalled that someone was back and followed obediently. She was quite curious. She entered the audience chamber and peeked at the guests behind Arche.

She saw a family of four talking to her uncle and cousin. The man had basil green hair that was tied into a low ponytail, when he sensed someone entering, he turned over.

Freya's eyes widened slightly, how long has it been since she saw a man with a beard?

He gave off the feeling of a friendly neighborhood uncle. Freya glanced at the woman with a gentle temperament, blonde hair with amber eyes. She mentally made a note, uncle green, and auntie yellow.

"Arche, you're back." The man's loud voice startled Freya. This person was definitely the friendly uncle type. "Is that your daughter?"

Freya hid behind her father the moment she was mentioned. She peeked from behind and nodded in courtesy. Arche saw his daughter acting like that and thought it was cute. He bent over and picked her up.

"She's a little shy." He explained while the man nodded understandingly. "Freya, this is Oscar, the former demon king of the south. He'll be taking back his reign now that he's back."

"He abandoned his post and headed to the human world to chase after the love of his life." Andrew continued while laughing.

Freya looked at the woman, so she's a former human. Despite being in the demon realm, she didn't show any signs of discomfort, which means she'd already cultivated into a demon. Freya glanced at the twins...they should be about her age. Before she knew it, she ended up in Luca's arms.

"Yaya, I missed you." Luca rubbed his cheeks against her.

A few months before his heat, except for his birthday, he was not allowed to come in contact with Freya. Since it's his first time, Arche and Andrew were afraid that something unexpected would occur. And now, it was finally over.

"I missed you too." Freya beamed and burrowed her face in Luca's chest.

"Dear, let's get a daughter too," Oscar whispered to his wife. Sophia just chuckled and nodded.

"Freya, bring Austin and Alistar to the toy room. Go play together, we have something to discuss." Arche told his daughter and ruffled her hair.

"...you changed a lot in these 7 years." Oscar's eyes widened at Arche's gentle tone.

The Demon King's Beloved DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now