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After the others left, Freya's aquamarine eyes turned slightly colder. As though a semi-frozen lake, cracks of ice appeared ever so subtly. The temperature in the room dropped tout de suite.

The three that perceived her mood kneeled down almost immediately. Head hung low, none of them dared to look at her in the eyes.

"Brother Luca, Caiden, have a sit first." Her voice was gentle but her expression was far from that.

Luca and Caiden obeyed, the tension in the room made them keep their mouths shut. The Freya sitting on the bed was foreign to them. It's better to observe.

Sure, they saw her malevolence when facing her enemies but she wasn't emitting killing intent nor was she facing her foe.

She only sat there and gaze icily at the three, the aura of oppression swirled in the room like rising currents. In Luca's eyes, this scene resembled a few little mice facing a snarling snake.

One minute passed, two minutes passed, three minutes passed....ten minutes passed yet she showed no signs of speaking.

Cold sweat dripped down James's forehead, he felt numb all over. He teared up internally, his master was still so cruel.

Freya finally opened her mouth after 20 minutes passed, "Raise your heads."

The three gazed at their master. This appearance, they missed her very much. The feeling of nostalgia churned inside of them, ecstasy and fear coexisted within them.

She tilted her head, her voice, as sweet as nectar dripped into their ears, "Why are all of you kneeling?"


Silence penetrated the room. Wasn't she the one who wanted them to kneel? Mason fell into deep thought, the moment the room went cold...she didn't say anything.

"It seems like all of you have a guilty conscience." She tapped her cheeks with her index finger, resting her chin on her knuckles.

None of them refuted, she hit the nail on the head. Her lips curved slightly into something like a smile, the look in her eyes remained enigmatic.

"Black Diamond's reputation seemed to have dimmed quite a lot, hasn't it? I have not once heard of the organization's name ever since I was reborn."

"Master that-"

"Shhh, don't interrupt me when I'm speaking." She tapped her index finger on her lips, her tone was soft.

James pursed his lips into a thin line, his palms were sweating.

Her eyes darkened, "The previous demon king of the south, wasn't he problematic? Yet none of you removed him. The demon's authority can't affect any of you, none of you were residents of the south."

"...we have no excuse." James as the leader lowered his head.

It was true that they didn't do their job properly. After Freya's passing, everyone was in no state to work. They did the minimum, controlling the demon realm in the shadows. They did a lot but also neglected a lot.

And without Freya, the backbone, Black Diamond almost split up. James was barely able to keep the organization going since it was the will of his master.

"...reflect on your mistakes. Mason, you're the vice-leader, you have to help him properly too. Vivian, as a major sin, slacking off is not an option. That's all I want to say, we can't change the past."

She crawled over and patted their heads. The frost in her eyes thawed, "Though there were many mistakes, thank you for the hard work."

This organization of hers, she didn't think it would still be standing if she was being honest. It surprised her that it hasn't collapsed.

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