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"Freya, did you miss me?" Andrew barged into Arche's office with a bright smile.

Freya jolted and slowly turned her head to face the door, she nodded before snuggling back into her father's embrace like a cat. She yawned and closed her eyes again.

"She was taking a nap." Arche explained patting his daughter's head. His smile turned threatening when he looked at his brother, "You scared her."

Andrew looked guiltily at his niece, he was indeed a bit too excited. He whispered a sorry that earned a sound of acquiescence from Freya.

"Don't be angry, okay? Uncle brought your favorite pudding." Andrew bent down and brought the pudding in front of her.

"...pudding?" Freya's eyes lit up, her sleepiness was washed away. "Daddy, can I?"

Arche chuckled at his daughter's antics and nodded. Freya's aquamarine eyes sparkled with anticipation as she took the first bite. This taste...so blissful!

It's been a long time since she had something sweet. Her recovery took a month, all she ate was congee with some boiled vegetables. She wasn't allowed to eat anything else.

The pair of siblings looked at her eat with delight. Andrew couldn't help it and bit his niece's chubby cheeks making Freya look at him in confusion. In the end, she didn't say anything and continued digging into her pudding.

"Where's brother Luca?" Freya asked after finishing her pudding.

"On a date, with the candidate. It's only weeks away after all." Andrew explained as Freya nodded. He looked at the finished pudding and took out another one for her.

Freya was delighted, but just as she was about to put the pudding in her mouth, a pink rectangular box popped up in front of her. Her eyes narrowed and put down the spoon.

"What's wrong?" Arche asked after seeing Freya's furrowed brows, she looked troubled.

"I need to go to the bamboo forest." Freya hopped off Arche's lap. "Daddy and uncle have something to discuss right? Freya won't bother you two."

Arche's eyes widened, isn't his daughter a little too sharp? But his brows soon furrowed, the bamboo forest might be her favorite place but why so suddenly?

As if reading his thoughts, Freya added, "I suddenly remembered leaving Mr. Lulu there yesterday. I'm afraid he might get hurt."

Mr. Lulu was her beluga stuffed animal that she hugs to sleep every night. She couldn't sleep without it, so of course Mr. Lulu was safely in her room but her dad doesn't know that.

Arche remembered seeing her bring the stuffed animal with her when they went on a walk yesterday so he was convinced. For her safety, the servants can only enter the main palace at a specific time. Since it's not working hours, there should be no problem

"Don't take too long." Arche patted her head as she ran off.

After leaving the office, Freya started running to the bamboo forest. She couldn't help cursing the system. It hadn't appeared for so long so she'd already forgotten about it.

[Task: Heal the Arctic Fox]

Time Limit: 10 minutes

Punishment: All desserts will be confiscated for life

Instructions: Head to the bamboo forest, use your powers to heal the Arctic fox.

"The bamboo forest is huge, how will I find him?" Freya complained as she ran. "And how is ten minutes enough?! Look at my short legs!"

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