TEAM [-] Flowers and Finches

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Team oneshot! : Razor, Bennett, Qiqi, Aether
This is my main team!

"Come on guys, we don't have much longer to go." Aether said looking back at his worn out teammates.

They were currently climbing up Mt. Hulao but they were on the verge of taking a mandatory break. The other three slowly pulled themselves up to the flat part of the mountain so they could breathe.

Flopping over onto his back out of stamina Razor sighed. "Hungry. And tired." He might've been overreacting just a tad bit, but Aether decided to just let it slide. They each had food in backpacks that they were carrying for the trip. Razor went to open his but someone stopped him.

"Razor no! Look, there's stairs over there. Just wait a bit longer and we can eat up." Bennett said, pulling the bag out of reach. Razor groaned and sat up. Qiqi had sat down as well, she stared quietly up at the blazing sun.

Aether sighed and looked over to the stairs, "See? He's right. Once we're up the stairs we can eat and rest over there. We've gone past the hard part."

Qiqi stood up and walked over to Aether and put her hands in the air. "Can you.. Carry.. Qiqi?" She said with her soft monotone voice. There was no way he could say no, so he nodded and picked her up. Aether lifted Qiqi off the ground and set her on his shoulders.

Bennett pulled Razor up off the ground and put his arms behind his head. "Man you sure are lucky Qiqi. I hate walking in the heat. Having a pyro vision doesn't make it any easier."

Qiqi hummed, "Maybe Aether will carry you too." She kicked her legs slightly.

"Aha.. No, I think one is enough. Can we start walking up the stairs now?" The 4 of them then started to take on the stairs, which to their luck weren't as steep as they ascended.
Qiqi was never tall enough to reach up into the trees, but on Aether's shoulders she was able actually see what was in them. Birds nest; some with eggs and some without. Lots of birds, and the different variety of leaf colors. She hoped that when they got to the top, she would find a finch and take it home.

"Hey I think we made it!" Bennett said, running ahead of the three of them. Indeed they have. There was a small pond-like thing at the top. Trees bordered the area that surrounded them. In front of them there seemed to be a domain of some sort, with a symbol on it. "What's that?" Bennett asked.

Aether set Qiqi down in front of him gently, "It's Mountain Shapers domain. I don't believe it's home though. Because if it were, we would've most likely been yelled at by now." He sheepishly said.

Bennett had wandered around the area and came across three pillars. The pillars looked to be element mechanisms. It was easy to tell that the element that was needed to light up the pillar was electro. So he turned around and waved his hand. "Hey Razor!"

The gray haired boy turned his head to where he heard his name being called. He caught Bennett's hand and assumed he was being called over. He got up from where he had sat down and made his way over to him.

"You see these pillars? You can use your claws to light them up!" He explained once Razor was close enough. Razor looked down at his hands and then at the mechanisms.

"What.. what does it do?" He asked. The electro user cautiously tapped on one of the pillars not seeing what was important about them.

"Oh right we've never come across one for electro before." He remembered that the ones they usually come across are anemo or pyro. So Razor probably never figured out what the importance was. "Treasure appears once all of them are lit up."

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