Lumine [-] Weary warrior

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No spoilers for anything tbh (except like... the first quest of the game LMAO)

Lumine x GN reader
Request: Chromick

Sitting in the Dawn Winery waiting for the days to go by became very repetitive and boring. You thanked Diluc for allowing you to pass the days as they go by, and even though he urged you to go out and maybe take on some commissions or whatever, you declined.

Nothing was particularly wrong per se; not necessarily unhappy. The feelings were just a little bit off. And anyone who knew you, understood why.

Lumine had been off adventuring in the other nations.

You genuinely wanted to go with her, but you weren't a fighter. Nor did you have a vision to defend yourself if it was needed. So despite you begging to just tag along, it was a no from her. And you had to respect that.

Except it's been about a month now. However, you heard news of her newest feats. Such as what she had done in Inazuma. From which you did receive a letter about how she was doing good, and meeting many new friends. Then there was a photo attached.

The note read...

Dear my favorite person ever,

Hey hey! I hope this letter doesn't get lost. I just conquered Inazuma!!! 3 nations down... 4 more to go! But let me just tell you, the time difference is absolutely insane. Well maybe it's not too bad, just a couple off, but still, those hours are throwing me off!

Anyway, miss you tons. I wanted to send something back for you, so there is a sakura petal attached! I have so much to say, but its never gonna fit in this letter. But I'm stopping in Sumeru next. Hoping I can find some information there. After that, I'm visiting Mond again so I can see you! Please stay safe and I hope Master Diluc is still (I know he is) treating you with so much care and love!

But not as much love as me! Xoxo, Lumine <3

There were 2 photos. Both with Lumine taking selfies with them. The first one seemed to be taken inside some fancy house. Or perhaps it was an estate. There was a blonde guy with some type of headband holding his hair back. Luckily she had written what the names were on them. Apparently his name was Thoma. Then on the other side of Lumine was a young woman. Her outfit made you think she was elegant, poised, and highly esteemed. She had the label with the name Kamisato Ayaka.

The second photo had three people. One lady resembled... a fish? That was the best description you had. Her name was Sangonomiya Kokomi. On the left of her, a... dog man? Inazuma was full of interesting people it seemed. His label said General Gorou. Then on the right of Lumine there was a young man. His attire made you think he was a warrior of sorts. With blinding white hair. Kadehara Kazuha.

But after Inazuma, you didn't hear anything more from her.

So you had been waiting for a while. Hoping that she would just come back and return. But you knew she wouldn't. Her goals laid with finding her twin brother, and you wanted nothing else for her. Lumine could keep herself safe. Hell, you watched her defeat a dragon.

You mindlessly flipped through a book, humming a tune quietly to yourself. The other maids were out on a paid leave to make an errand run that Diluc was actually going to do himself, but they decided to slip out before he could overwork himself.

So when he walked in through the front doors, you assumed he was just getting back from doing his nightly Dark Knight hero antics. Since it was actually pretty late now.

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