Superconduct Alt chapter

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This is an alternative chapter for chapter 29-30 of Superconduct! It was an idea I had which was a little more depressing than what I went with... so angst. Yeah yeah.

(Reader is NOT GN for this specific one because it's from another story. All my other readers are!)

 All my other readers are!)

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Kaeya fully understood where Albedo was coming from. If he didn't get it, he probably wouldn't be walking towards the building Y/N was staying in. He understood the dangers when he first met her, but his feelings have shifted. Not entirely yet, but it was enough to sway him in multiple different directions.

Noelle told him that she was sick, so he never stopped by when he said he would. Although he felt bad about disrupting her when she might still be in bed and sleeping, Albedo's concerns were enough to break that guilt.

He knocked on the door and waited for a moment. As expected, he didn't get one. If she was still sick it wasn't the most surprising thing. But he didn't even get any type of annoyed shout from inside.

Kaeya sighed and bent down to the lock on the door. He examined the keyhole and stared for a few seconds before putting his hand on the knob. With minimal effort he started to create his own version of a 'key' using his vision. He definitely had enough control over the element to do so.

Once it was the desired size, he twisted the new key inside the slot and pushed the door open. The lights were on and the chair was pulled out from underneath the table. Kaeya found it odd that she left it in such a state.

"Hellooooo?" he called out. No response. So he shut the door behind him and listened around for anything. However, he didn't hear anything except his own breathing and the wind from beyond the walls. That told him that she wasn't around, but according to the mess of the room he was in, she must've been here earlier.

"Well isn't that a shame?" He mumbled to himself. She was a wildcard, he didn't know where she could've possibly gone at a time like this and why. It was early, so it definitely didn't make sense to him. All this time he thought she just slumped around or slept. What a busy lady.

He lifted his head and looked at the table. Thanks to his eyepatch, he had to turn his whole head in order to see the contents of it entirely. On the table, there was a piece of paper. It caught his eye and he wasn't into snooping around so he wasn't going to pay much attention to it.

When Kaeya picked up the paper, he figured out it was a letter. The first line had her name on it, followed by some more words. Something else that he picked out was that the paper itself was burned at the sides. It wasn't burned from fire it would seem, but the streaks going down the paper were caused by electricity.

Kaeya was about to put it down but he caught a strange signature on the bottom. More so the one that looks crossed out. It was messy, but he could clearly make out the name 'Tartaglia'.

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