💗 Valentine's Day [Ningguang x GN Reader]

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This is v short I apologize

Admiration 💎

Admiration 💎

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"Lady Ningguang, are you sure this is appropriate?''

She had pushed aside a few of her papers to the side. Neatly stacked them to the side so there was space on the desk for you to sit. Ningguang was a calm and collected woman. But she always got what she wanted when she wanted. And right now you were what she wanted.

After working for her for a while, you grew to admire her. Who doesn't? She was basically the definition of prestige. You had nothing but respect for Ningguang and her views. Always putting Liyue first. It even cost her the very first Jade chamber. And ever since the second one was rebuilt you spent most of your time up in it. Cleaning and organizing with the rest of the staff.

"Shh, quiet now." She caressed your cheek. You nervously sat on top of her desk while she stared into your eyes. "You look lovely tonight dear. Let's take a break. You've been at it for a while." Nigguang leaned over and left a quick kiss on your lips.

It happened so fast that you didn't register it at first. She had been so elegant with it, you felt like you didn't deserve her soft lips on yours. After being left speechless she giggled. Ningguang wasn't stupid, she knew the effect she had on others. Her powerful aura made anyone submit to her just a little bit. No matter who you were.

"It's a special day. A day to show your love and appreciation for other people." She explained, her golden claw rings going up and down your arms. Sending shivers up your spine. "I may be a busy lady, but I'm very attentive. I don't always play favorites but I consider you a special case."

"Lady Ningguang." You started. "I'm a special case? I don't feel any different from Ganyu or Keqing. We all do the same amount of work–"

"That's not what I mean, Y/N." Nigguang cut you off. "You're all hard workers, no doubt about it. But you specifically catch my attention the most. You always have." She cupped your cheeks in her hands. "So instead, let me show you how much I appreciate you."

She moved her head in again and caught your lips with hers. Her warm body pressed up against yours, and her lips surrounding your own. The sensation sets you on fire. Your heart was beating so hard you thought it would burst out of your chest. It was slightly embarrassing, you thought maybe she'd be able to feel how nervous you were.

Ningguang pulled back and looked at you again with loving eyes. Maybe your relationship hadn't intended to be intimate but today things changed. Your admiration for her was strong, and it seems she had some feelings inside of herself for you as well. It was surprising. It was mind blowing. Someone like Ningguang, starting to fall for someone like you.

Suddenly she embraced you. Her arms tightly and securely wrapping around your shoulders. Leaning her head into the crook of your neck. "Thank you." She whispered. Her white locs falling down her back. "I hope we can grow closer, Y/N. I don't want this relationship to become troublesome. I apologize if I came off too strong."

"No that's not it. I really do cherish you. Your time, your hard working skills, your dedication. I love it all about you. It's been like this for a while, but who could confess their feelings to you when they're just a secretary? I knew it was too good to be true."

"Shh..." She drew small circles on your back with her metal rings. "Have confidence in yourself. What is with my secretaries and their lack of self confidence...?" She questioned quietly to herself. "As long as you're here, it'll never be too good to be true. We will always make everything work in this Jade chamber."

You found comfort in her words and had no other choice but to melt into her. Ningguang may seem a little intimidating on the outside but she really takes the time to assess her surroundings. And the people that look up to her. That was one of the many things you loved about her.

"I know we will." You answered.

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