TEAM [-] The Prinzessin's Entourage

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Team one shot with: Yanfei, Qiqi, Collei, Yaoyao, Fischl

Requested by: valhut


Yaoyao bounced along the streets of Liyue and carefully skipped through the crowds. Apologizing to those who she accidentally bumps into from time to time. Nobody really has the heart to get mad at her though.

She actually had a destination in mind, today was a day she wanted to play with Qiqi. Mainly because she'd been out for a little while, and didn't have time to come back and say hi. Now she does, so she couldn't waste any time.

The pharmacy came into her sights and she picked up the speed as she basically glided up the stairs. However, her legs came to a slow pace when she could see a new face inside the building. Or, what she could make out as a face considering she was still a little far away.

Walking up the final steps she was able to make out that it looked to be a girl. Besides Qiqi and Baizhu, there was a young girl with short green hair, and an outfit that didn't look like the clothes a typical Liyue citizen would wear. From the slightest tilt in her head, Yaoyao was in awe at her vibrant fuschia eyes.

Qiqi was standing next to this girl, and when her eyes met Yaoyao she started to give her whole speech, "welcome to–"

"Qiqi!" Yaoyao jumped up and down at the sight of her friend.


"Oh right! Where's that notebook you keep? Flip to the exact page..." She tapped her finger to her chin to see if she could remember the page where Yaoyao's information was kept. It was there because Qiqi's memory usually always failed to recognize Yaoyao after a while. "...Ah, 22! It's 22!"

With a confused nod, Qiqi waddled over to the counter and reached up for her notebook which sat a little too high up for her. But determination was strong, and she stood on her tippy toes.

While that happened, Yaoyao turned to the other girl who was talking to Baizhu. "Hello miss! I just wanted to say you have really pretty eyes! Like woaaaah, they're so bright!" Then she stuck her hand out. "I'm Yaoyao!"

The girl seemed a little startled by her hyper energy. "Really? Wow! Um, thank you so much!" Then she bent down a little so she could properly shake her hand. "Nice to meet you, I'm Collei."

"And you have a pretty name!" Yaoyao grinned, then she stepped back. "By any chance are you from... Sumeru? I just noticed you don't look like a local."

Collei nodded, "I am. Actually, I came here because my master wanted some type of ah... herb analysis from Dr. Baizhu here. I'm not so sure myself, but he's heard great things about him."

A book shut from behind them and Qiqi's voice came soon after, "oh Yaoyao. It says here last time I saw you, you said... you were going to be out in Qingce village for a little bit. Am I right?"

Yaoyao nodded, "yup yup! Now I'm back!"

Baizhu stood off to the side now with a closed eyed smile. "My my, we are busy today. As for you Collei, I should have that ready by the end of the day. Are you–"

Before he could finish, a commotion ran throughout his ears. Shouting– or no, maybe not. It was just someone loudly projecting their voice that it was heard from even up at the pharmacy.

"I will have you know that I, Fischl, Prinzessin der Verurteilung, Sovereign of Immernachtreich, do not need the pity of your judgemental and miniscule distress for my well being and state of health!"

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