💗 Valentine's Day [Lisa x GN Reader]

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Lisa x GN reader
Idk if Fontaine is actually based of France or if french is even a language in the game but HEY! It is now
Kinda short.
Also I translated the French at the very end

French, voice, and Intention💌💌💌

French, voice, and Intention💌💌💌

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Currently, you are assisting Lisa in the library to help organize the shelves. She always claimed she could do it on her own but there was no possible way that one woman could do it all by herself. You told her to just sit back down and relax but she just couldn't do that. Instead, she was over at her desk with a small tea maker, boiling leaves.

Or she was trying to burn them at least.

"Y/N dear, can you help me out?" Her soft voice came from behind you.

"Yes, one second." You knew why, so you took the stack of books that were already in your hand and placed them on a nearby table. Strolling over to where she was at, she flashed a smile and motioned toward the tea maker. You having a pyro vision worked in her favor often.

Flicking your hand towards the bottom of the boiler, you ignited a flame to get it started. "You know Lisa, matches do the same thing I can."

She chuckled and leaned her elbows on the desk. "I know, but a match doesn't help me around the library and dust my books."

Lisa knew how to use her words tactically, she was just that type of person. Many people found her word choice odd and unsettling, but only a select few didn't mind it at all. Mainly the knights. "Well I am happy to serve more purpose to you than a stick with a flame at the end."

"Why of course." She brought her hand up to the top compartment with the leaves, waiting for the water to start boiling. "You are aware, you're free to leave any time you want, right?"

"I know, you love to remind me." You turned your back to her once again to finish shelving the last of the stack. "But I like being here. It's calming, and brings a sense of serenity." You turned and flipped to the cover of the book. "Vera's Melancholy." You read outloud. "Have you gone through all these books before?"

You listened to the glass clinging from where she sat. Most likely starting to pour the hot water onto the leaves. "Mmm, I've had my fair share of reads and re-reads. But we've gotten new ones I haven't gotten my hands on. Would you like to read with me sometime?"

"Absolutely." You put Vera in line with the rest of the series. "But I'm nowhere near as good with literature as you. So go easy on my pace."

Her nails tapped on the table in a rhythmic pattern. "It's not a problem at all. It's all about the voice and intention, not necessarily the skill." You could feel her gaze on you as you focused on the task at hand. "By the way, are you heading back to Fontaine soon?"

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