Kazuha / Beidou [-] What he sees

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I think the concept of this is kinda cool ngl.

Characters: Beidou, Kazuha(Short)—-----------------------------------------

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Characters: Beidou, Kazuha

Another day on the Alcor with Kazuha and Beidou. Kazuha sat ontop of the bow and arrow weapon that was attatched to the ship. Eyes closed, humming to himself. The breeze brushing his soft white locs. His mind was thinking of other poems to compose. Though he will most likely never write them down, it's enough to store in his head.

"Hey Kazuha! Come check this out!"

It was Captain Beidou. From the sound of it, she was on the other end of the ship. To Kazuha, she was right next to him. His ears picked up sound and often made it much too loud for his own liking.

Still, he hopped down from his perch. Landing with no wobble at all, despite the height he jumped from. Whatever she had called him over for, also got a good portion of the crew to see as well. Because there were quite a few people gathered around her.

Kazuha squeezed through them to get to where Beidou was standing. Her arms were crossed and she was heartfully laughing. "Ay there you are! Have a look out there. The dolphins have decided to come greet us!"

He turned out to the sea and his heart sank to the bottom of the ocean. Of course Beidou and the rest of the fleet would have imagined the dolphins were coming to say hello. Or just to start jumping out the water next to the ship to be friendly. It was what they saw.

However, Kazuha was different. His eyes were able to see through the water. Just like glass. It was terrifying to be honest. But it was something he kept to himself. The only other person who knew about this was Tomo. During his time with Tomo, Kazuha would stray away from the ocean. It was hard though. It was in his nature to enjoy being outdoors and traveling. So he pushed himself to get over this fear.

It was things like this that Kazuha wished he couldn't see.

The dolphins were indeed jumping in and out of the water. But not to put on a show. No. They were swimming for their lives. Because hot on their tails was something much larger than the dolphins. Kazuha couldn't figure out what it was. He just knew this creature looked dangerous. Dark eyes glaring right into its prey. A body that was wider than both the dolphins combined. Its mouth was open, exposing tons of sharp and pointed teeth.

So what exactly were the dolphins doing? Maybe they were trying to warn the crew about the monstrosity chasing them. Pleading for help? Simply just trying to escape?

At one point, one of them stopped jumping in and out the water. Kazuha froze up. Then the other one too, stopped jumping. While Kazuha was trying to erase what he just witnessed from his mind, the rest of the crew waved into the waters. Saying 'goodbye' and 'see you soon!'

"You alright Kazuha?" Beidou questioned him. While she turned away from the ocean. Kazuha stared out, watching the monster sink lower into the water. He could still see it, but it grew smaller and smaller. Until it was so far away, it vanished from his sights.

"Hm? Yeah. I was just thinking up some new poems about our dolphin friends." He answered in his normal calm tone. "In fact, I might've already figured it out."

Beidou was always amused to hear what Kazuha shared. She was impressed by his ability to remember all of them, and store everything in his head. "Let's hear it kid."

Kazuha took a final glance out to empty waters before clearing his throat.

"The abyssal terrain hides what we do not seek."
"Those that see the joy, will contrast the despair and bleak."
"A happy tale, with two of the same."
"A friendly greeting, or a cry for help?"
"Only one truly knows the rules of the game."

I apologize I literally do not know how to write poems. Definitely not my strong point

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