Kazuha [-] It's over

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Now idk if you wanted a reunited one or meeting Kazuha for the first time so I went with a reunion 😭 sorry if I misinterpreted it!
Requested by: GyroXPizzaMozzarella
Kazuha x GN reader


There was nothing more to do or say. You felt nothing else was important after being visionless for so long. You were released from confinement after two months which wasn't too long of a time. But it was long enough for your ambitions to be stripped from you.

You hadn't kept up with what was going on. There was no point. Those who could run, obviously did. Some gave up, and most hid. At that point, you forgot what it was you had to do on a day to day basis. But fortunately, after your release, you were back home.

But it wasn't the same and everyone could see.

Your poor mother had no idea what to do. She was having a hard time keeping herself and 4 other children, 5 including you, cared for. At first she was unaware of what losing the vision could do to you. But now she wishes she was still unaware.

"I hear that the traveler is doing everything they can to end this. It'll be over soon, I promise." She wrapped her hands with your own.

You blinked and gave her a sorry smile. The same one you give her everyday, and it breaks her even further.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." She rubbed the top of your head.

"Okay... it's okay." You nodded. "I'm... okay."

"Oh Archons." She held you in her arms. "Please let the end of this be near."

1 year ago

Kazuha ducked under trees while you kept up behind him. His footsteps were quiet–damn near silent– when he ran so the only thing you could hear were your own and heavy breathing. He was a trained samurai and member of the Kaedehara Clan. You were nothing more than a pyro user that helped your mother out.

You grew up close to him, sort of in secret because his family wasn't a big fan of him being around a commoner like you. But if only they could see him now, sprinting through trees to get both of you to safety.

"We're almost there. Just a little further." Kazuha said while looking back to make sure you were keeping up. "Are you okay? Should we pause?"

You shook your head, "no, we can't. We're too close to stop."

"But your stamina–" He held his hand out to try and convince you. "I'll slow down."

"No, keep the pace."

Kazuha would've continued to try and persuade you to rest but he knew it wouldn't get far. So he turned back and started up again. Though he did subtly slow down. He was glad you couldn't notice.

There was a small clearing through the trees and that was where Kazuha was aiming for. That way all there was, was one more final push before the port. As soon as his foot was about to cross the invisible line to it, he paused and turned on his heel and wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you closer to his body.

You yelped in surprise and would've tumbled over if it wasn't for his tight grip. When you twisted around you saw that the tree beside you had been shot with an arrow. Had you been moved a second later...

Kazuha's hearing was a blessing because you hadn't noticed you were being surrounded. And unfortunately for him, he noticed a few seconds too late. But when you saw him take the defensive stance, you figured that might not have been true. It took you a moment to realize it but he did notice you being surrounded. Except those seconds when he should've acted were wasted on pulling you from being shot.

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