Xiao [-] Does it get better?

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Xiao x Adeptus GN Reader
No reason in particular, I just love Xiao

You strolled through Liyue. Taking in the cheerful atmosphere of the upcoming Lantern Rite. Moon Carver always insists for you to stay up in Jueyun Karst and not wander around amongst the mortals in Liyue. But after all of his failed attempts of getting you to stay put, he simply doesn't try anymore.

Liyue Harbor always was busy. But seeing the festival was right around the corner, it increased by tenfold. It was always one of their favorite times of the year, and you used it to your advantage with Moon Carver.

"Where are you off to now?" He would ask you.

"The Harbor. Lantern Rite is soon you know. The energy is always high. Good to be around."

He lowered his head and sighed. "If you truly insist."

Coming to a stop you found yourself outside of Wanmin Restaurant. Chef Mao handing out orders, and taking them at the same time. He was a skilled man, yes he was. Chef Mao turned his head ever so slightly and saw you standing in the corner.

"Ah! One of my favorite customers! How are ya today Y/N?"

You​​ chuckled at his enthusiasm. "I've been well, you seem rather busy today. How about you?"

Chef Mao rang up another order, "Oh I've been just fine. It's good to be busy like this. Keeps me occupied! Are you hungry?"

You nodded. Whether or not he was aware you were an adeptus was hard to figure out. You didn't necessarily go around telling everyone you saw. And you didn't have much of an unordinary look. But he always treated you nicely. "Indeed I am actually. I'll have one order of rice balls."

Chef Mao got to work on that almost before you finished speaking. Well, not like you ordered anything else anyway. Whenever you came to Wanmin restaurant, you would purchase the rice balls.

After a few moments of waiting he came out with your food. "Here you are, have a good day!" Then, he got back to work. You thanked and paid him and went about your day with the fresh rice balls in your hand.

There were six in the assortment. You opened your mouth and bit down on one. Instantly feeling like you were floating. Which in honesty, you most likely could do. If you tried hard enough.

Walking down closer to the coast you saw a woman pacing back and forth, writing down something in a small notepad. She was mumbling something about preparations and you figured she was one of the planners.

You saw a few small children playing with each other. And though you probably couldn't remember the last time you were a child, you felt a tug at your heart. It could be lonely at times, wandering with the mortals. But you and a couple other adepti were doing the same thing.

A lightbulb went off in your head. There was always one person you could call for. Granted, he did say to only call him in case of emergencies. But if he didn't want you calling him for trivial matters, he shouldn't have put it out there!


A gust of wind pushed from behind you. You took a rice ball out from the box and turned around.

"You called– mph" Before he could finish speaking, you pushed it into his mouth. You knew he had an issue with stomacing mortal foods, but it was worth a shot. He chewed and swallowed with an expression on his face you couldn't quite read.

"Y/N." he said.

"Hm? Did you like it? I don't exactly know what else you eat besides almond tofu." You said eating another one for yourself.

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