TEAM [-] The Unfortunate Body Switch

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4 men getting switched into different bodies. Courtesy of Sucrose.

Team oneshot! Characters: Albedo, Kaeya, Diluc, Venti

For reference here's the body switches:

Diluc is → Kaeya's body

Kaeya is → Diluc's body

Venti is → Albedo body

Albedo is → Venti's body

This one is a bit longer!


"I thank the three of you for coming out today." Albedo announced standing in front of the table. "Before you ask no, there was no specific reasoning I asked you guys in particular. You were just around." Albedo asked Kaeya, Diluc, and Venti to help him with his new experiment.

"What is this for?" Diluc questioned, staring at the array of mixtures set on the table.

"Well it's not for me. It's for Sucrose. I'm not sure what she wanted to do, just asked me to find test subjects." Albedo replied. That didn't make any of them any more excited or eager to help out. Especially not when Albedo himself doesn't know what it does.

"Well! It can't hurt!" Venti leaned forward staring at the liquids in the beakers. "So what do we do? Drink them?" His eyes shone at the thought of being able to get a free drink in.

"I suppose so." Albedo told him, picking one up. "I will warn you, I have no idea how this will taste. So just a heads up."

"Are you sure this is safe?" Kaeya picked up the blue one in his hand. Albedo had an orange one, Diluc had a red one, Venti with green. How strangely... fitting.

Venti didn't waste too much time in gulping down the green liquid. The other three watched in fear, or anticipation. Venti on the other hand was definitely drinking down more than necessary.

"You don't need to take down the whole thing-" Albedo warned. Venti kept going though. About halfway through the beaker he stopped to catch a break and get air into his lungs.

"Whew. This stuff isn't half bad. Maybe a little too non alcoholic for my liking. But it'll do." He laughed and went to continue. Right when the glass touched his lips he began to cough and choke.

"Venti?" Diluc watched as the bard dropped the glass onto the ground. It shattered and the green liquid went spilling everywhere. When it hit the ground it made a hissing sound and started evaporating into some type of gas.

"Uh oh." Kaeya bluntly stated.

Venti regained himself somewhat and tried speaking. "Goodness... it's like, burning." He fanned his mouth and continued coughing. "And why does it taste like.. Like.." He looked around to try and describe the word it tasted like. "Like a rock!"

Albedo tilted his head to the side. "Why do you know what a rock tastes like?"

Nobody else dared to even think about drinking his own after seeing what it did to him. Well, nobody except for Kaeya. He poured his into his mouth and waited for a reaction.

"Kaeya, are you insane?" Diluc pointed out. Kaeya held a hand up signaling for him to pause.

"It's not the worst thing-" He cut himself off and closed his eyes tightly, holding onto the table for support. "That's a terrible taste though. Wait..." His mouth hung open and he too now fanned his mouth. "This burns too."

The gas like smoke had now risen to where they all were directly breathing it in. That caused everyone else to have a coughing fit.

"Remind me." cough "To never ever" cough "Be used as a lab rat." Said Diluc.

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