Klee / Qiqi [-] I'm Still Here

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This is gonna be sad... enjoy !

Writing Prompt:

Characters: Klee, Qiqi

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Characters: Klee, Qiqi

CW: Death, mentions of suicide, homophobia (they're just kids so it's nothing extreme!)

Modern Day AU


She died.

Qiqi had died.

She had been picking flowers next to a cliff one day, and went too far over the edge. Nobody was there to catch her. She died silently. Alone.

Her brother, Xiao, had wondered where she went off too. She was gone for too long. Far too long for flower picking. He raced around to try and find her. And when he did, he broke down.

Qiqi was not moving, and there was a basket of flowers, now broken next to her head. Xiao picked up Qiqi's body and stared down at her. Tears streamed down his face. He wanted to scream, but he couldn't.

Xiao just hugged his sister's body, and silently cried. The last of his family was gone. Xiao turned to the basket and noticed how the flowers resembled his hair. Which made him more upset.

Qiqi had been picking flowers for him, and didn't get the chance to give them to him. Now she was gone, and her body was growing cold. But he couldn't leave her there.

A part of him wanted to take his own life. He couldn't bear being alone anymore. Instead, he let himself drown in his thoughts as rain started to fall.


Qiqi's eyes shot open.

She looked around cautiously, not remembering what happened. All her memories were fuzzy. Not like they were good to start off with. She was sitting on a bench, in a playground.

It was unclear to Qiqi how long she'd been sitting there. Or why she was there in the first place. The sun was bright, making her squint her eyes. Laughter from the children flowed into her ears. Kids ran right past her, not glancing her way. She didn't think much of it.

Looking around, Qiqi saw a little girl with blonde hair and a red outfit. She was sitting by herself in a sandbox. Her knees hugged up to her chest. Qiqi saw how sad she looked, and dried tears were on her face.

She pushed herself off the bench, and walked over to the sandbox. At first the little girl didn't seem to notice her. Qiqi kneeled down in front of the little girl who peeked up through her bangs. She didn't know why, but Qiqi felt obligated to make her feel happy.

The child stared at Qiqi. "Hello..?" She asked. She wiped her face and sniffled.

"Hello." Qiqi's soft monotone voice replied. She looked around the sandbox and saw a shovel. Picking it up, she started digging a hole. Just a random hole. "Are you...sad?"

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