Alhaitham & Kaveh [-] Sober Thoughts

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Modern Day AU

I literally forgot about this omg I apologize

Requested by: elianamertens


Alhaitham had been studying for his third consistent hour

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Alhaitham had been studying for his third consistent hour. He was actually tired enough to stop, but he had a make or break exam tomorrow and he needed to stay on top of things. His grade needed to stay up.

The dorm was quiet, quieter than usual because Kaveh wasn't there. Actually, he didn't know where Kaveh had gone off to, and he usually doesn't ask but most times... he doesn't care. Most times anyway because Kaveh moves at his own leisurely pace.

Genuinely slow.

So Alhaitham doesn't see the point in asking where he goes because the last time he did, the man was just in the dining hall line. The time before that, he was taking a detour through the greenhouse on campus.

As he flipped his notebook to the next page, his phone rang from beside him. He let it ring as he finished up his sentence before turning it face up to see who it was. Surprisingly, it was Nilou. He picked up the phone and leaned back in his chair.


Immediately, he could hear the heavy beat of music in the background. "Hey, I hope I didn't bother you from doing anything too important. I know you said you were spending the afternoon studying."

His eyes glazed over the scattered papers on his desk and turned his spinning chair the completely other direction. "No, not really. I was just wrapping up. Did you need something?"

She said something to someone in the background but he didn't pick up anything comprehensible. Then her voice got slightly louder. "Okay so basically, we decided to go out to one of the Liyue college parties just to get a feel for it and well..."

Already he didn't like the sound of that. He wasn't a fan of the parties in general which is why he only gets dragged out to a few, and not all of them. He'll never take offense when they go out without him because 99.99% of the time, it's a no.

"Did something happen? Are you guys hurt?"

"No no nothing like that, but Kaveh is... completely gone. Like, he's wasted beyond repair right now."

His eyebrow twitched. "Is he now...?" He muttered. "I told you he's a lightweight."

"And we also tried to tell him that. He tried to prove us wrong."

He groaned and looked at the time. It was almost 12 in the morning now. "Send me the location."

"Sorry about this."

"Don't be. I'll beat his ass when he's sober enough to understand why."

With that, he hung up the phone and stood up, stretching his arms over his head. Luckily, he was practically done stuffing his brain with information. He threw a sweatshirt over the tank top he had on and smoothened his hair back down. When his phone buzzed again, he received the notification from Nilou and grabbed his car keys.

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