Xiao / Hu Tao [-] Partners in Crime

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This should be interesting

Writing Prompt:

Characters: Hu Tao, Xiao (Btw I didn't intend to write this as a ship but if you see it as one go right ahead

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Characters: Hu Tao, Xiao (Btw I didn't intend to write this as a ship but if you see it as one go right ahead. I'm 99.9% sure Hu Tao's an adult)

Also sorry but Chongyun and Zhongli are gonna kick the bucket in this one..

CW: Dead bodies, murder, blood, yeah.

Modern day AU!


Hu Tao skipped along the riverbank, with a slight smile on her face. She had a duffle bag slung over her shoulder. It wasn't as heavy as she expected it to be, but the boy inside it was already small, and the life drained out of him made him look and feel smaller.

It was basically pitch black night outside, the only light that lit up the area as the moon. The light bounced off the water from the river, which also was enough light so she could see where she was going. Nobody was out. The time was 3:33am.

Hu Tao had taken on the role of being head of the Funeral Parlor a while back. This was so she could cover up her tracks on being a killer. People did think she was crazy at first glance, but obviously not pinning her to be insane.

She never thought of herself as insane. Maybe she just had a screw loose. Her reasoning behind her killings were simple. If they upset her constantly, they died. Or, in Chongyun's case. If they were too close to figuring out her secret, they died.

The poor boy thought it was an evil spirit killing off the people in the city. But one time he caught Hu Tao scribbling down some notes on rivers close by. Not only that, he watched how she carefully eyed down anyone who made a mockery of her business. Finally, his last straw was when he snuck into the funeral parlor at night. He found a wide array of weapons that didn't look like they were used for parlor business.

Unfortunately for him, he found those weapons about thirty seconds before he was hit over the head with a spear.

He was still alive after the first hit, which left him writhing in agony. Hu Tao simply smiled and clasped her hands together, sticking her tongue out. All she said was "I wish you well in the afterlife, old friend." And proceeded to continuously hit him over the head.

His blood pooled around his body and stuck to his light blue hair. The red sticking out on his fair skin, and light colored clothes. Sadly, they had been friends at one point. But that time was in the past.

Hu Tao approached the spot in the river she wanted to dump him in. She kneeled down and unzipped the bag. Chongyun's face was now drained of all colors. Poor Xingqiu would never see his best friend again. But if he wanted, she could rejoin them.

His eyes were closed, and he had a peaceful look on his face. Not like when he was being bludgeoned to death.

She slipped his frail body out the bag, and lay him down in the river. Even though she killed him in such a brutal way, she wanted his resting place to be peaceful. With thick gloves on her hands, she slowly started to push him off the bank.

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