Spider Society (Cryo edition) p4

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Part 4 of the spider society

Featuring: all the (Current) cryo characters


"Diona, Qiqi, trap him!"

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"Diona, Qiqi, trap him!"

The two of them jumped from their perch on the highly elevated building and extended out their hands, shooting out the webs from their shooters.

The villain had used some sort of chemical enhancer to increase his size, and was terrorizing an entire populated city. Now, the size of a giant, they had to get nearly the entire sector to stop the chaos from furthering.

Qiqi and Diona then ran in opposite directions around the legs of the villain who had self proclaimed himself as "Titan". Titan's legs had gotten closer together, and in the end, he was unable to move properly.

Kaeya stood back, watching them move. Despite their size, they were the fastest ones they had on foot. "Freeze him, now!"

Listening, they both put their hands on the skin of Titan, and used their gift of ice to begin casting a frost upon his legs.

From behind Kaeya, there were heeled footsteps coming up. He looked over his shoulder and smiled. "Do you care enough to get in on the action, Rosaria?"

When she was within range, she tapped her clawed fingers on his cheek. "Why are you letting the kids do all the work?"

"Ah, I'm not." He denied and turned his attention back to the task at hand. "They're just securing him, so we can beat him up afterwards. I wouldn't make them do that."

Qiqi and Diona finished their work, and took a step backwards. Diona looked all the way up. She couldn't even see where the giant ended. "He's so tall, but still too weak for us, ha!"

Then she turned back to Qiqi and raised her hand. "All thanks to us!"

The two of them high fived each other and ran back over to Kaeya and Rosaria. Neither of them broke a sweat.

Qiqi gave a thumbs up. "We're done."

Kaeya gave them both a head rub. "Good job. Always proud of you two." Then he looked towards the top of the highest building. "And the rest of them should be showing up right about now..."

Almost as if he spoke it into existence, a portal opened up and out came the rest of the assigned team. They had been busy with another anomaly not too far off, so they had to split it off. Shenhe, Aloy, and Ganyu walked through and were immediately face to face with the problem.

Kaeya tapped on his earpiece. "I hope you guys aren't too exhausted from the last fight." He announced through the device.

"Never." Aloy responded back and Kaeya could basically hear the grin through her voice.

"We have other things to do after this, so let's wrap it up, yes?" Shenhe added.

"I have to say I'm surprised that you're leading this time, Kaeya. I expected to see Eula here." Ganyu commented.

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