Beidou & Kazuha [] Hit the Curb

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Self indulging again because I'm coping with my own failure tbh... (No literally, I almost replaced 'you' with 'me' and 'I')

Not a ship this is a platonic found family

Modern AU

Less than 1k words ....


"I'm doomed."

Those were the first words you said when you walked back through the door. Kazuha had taken you to take your drivers test earlier, and you came back about to break into tears. You thought you had it in the bag, but you had been so nervous you accidentally hit the curb of the sidewalk. It was an immediate fail.

"I told you it's okay, Y/N." He said while hanging his keys on the hook next to the door. "You can re-take it in 2 weeks."

"But it's not okay! I just wanted to have that little piece of independence, and I blew it on some stupid shit!"

As you flung yourself onto the couch in defeat, footsteps were heard coming down the stairs. "What's going on about stupid shit?" Beidou had most likely just woken up from her nap. She came down rubbing her eye and yawning.

"I just completely failed my road test." You said and turned your head up to the sound. "Within the first few seconds too!"

"Oh," she sounded half asleep. "So? I took that damn thing 4 times before I got my license."

Kazuha gave a slight shrug. "And somehow you put in all that effort just to not like being on the road."

"Can't stand the other people on it." She said and then plopped herself down next to you. "Listen, if you beat yourself up over it now, how are you going to get back up and pass it next time?"

"Easy, I'm not going to."

"See, that doesn't work in this household. We don't just give up around here."

You pointed over to Kazuha. "He passed on the first try. He didn't even make the slightest mistake. Perfect turns, perfect stops, everything was amazing."

"Y/N, if you compare yourself to Kazuha of all people you're going to make your self esteem plummet. I don't know how the kid did it." Beidou raised a brow. "If I didn't see him do it I wouldn't believe it."

He shook his head. "That's not the point. You did everything else flawlessly. The parking, and your 3-point was really good."

"But the curb..." You whined and buried your face into the pillow.

You can't believe something so simple tanked everything. How could you do that? That was the easiest part of the whole exam and somehow you still managed to screw it up. There were people who were younger than you who had the license, but somehow you still couldn't get it. All the money you spent on it too. Down the drain and wasted.

"I bet you 100 bucks that your examiners drive over a curb or at least scrape it twice a month. It's fairly easy to do." Beidou pointed out. "And why are you so upset over that? Can't you redo it really soon anyway?"

"So I have to sit in my misery for 2 weeks?"

"If it makes you feel better I'll let you have my car for the 2 weeks. Just drive it around for fun."


She looked confused. "Is that bad? As long as you don't crash, who cares? I made Kazuha run grocery errands for me when I was sick. He was fine."

Kazuha smiled. "You're a good driver, Y/N. You were just nervous. So many people fail the first time. Actually, I heard that people who pass the second time are the better drivers. It means you acknowledge your mistakes, and know what has to be done to fix them. Your mistakes are really easy to fix as well."

You sat back up. "Well we can't get rid of all the sidewalks on the planet."

"No... but you can learn the tricks to line yourself up with them and not on top of them."

The way he said it made you pick up one of the pillows and hurl it towards him. "Don't remind me!"

He laughed but it was quickly cut off when it smacked him in the face nearly knocking the wind out of him. "Sorry sorry..."

Beidou hollered. "Man you got an arm on ya kid!"

You cringed when you saw how hard you actually threw it at him. "I'm sorry!"

"All good." He said rubbing his nose. "Back to you though, I can help you practice if you want. Two weeks is going to fly by, you should get as much road experience as possible before then."

"Yeah, let's make it a family trip. We need to run errands anyway, so it'll be good. Let me actually get dressed." Beidou said standing up. "Oh! I also want to stop at a McDonalds, I want one of those coffee milkshake things."

"A frappe?" Kazuha asked.

"Yeah yeah that."

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