Scaramouche [-] A Draw

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Im very behind on quests so I literally dont know how "wanderer" came to be or what the difference is. So its just scaramouche rn LMAO

Scaramouche x GN reader

Not a request!

CW: Swearing


"What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

You ran your blade up his neck. Dangerously close and tempted to slice open his throat. He had a mouth on him, and you just needed him to shut the hell up. Nobody else wanted to step to him, nevermind cross swords with the man.

However this was your job. Protect Inazuma, send away intruders or anyone who dared to cause havoc on the land. "I'm warning you Harbinger, you better leave far from Inazuma. I promise if you're found by anyone other than me, it will be hell."

He scoffed, "you're going to call your soldier buddies? Are you too weak and soft to kill me here?" His tone was mocking, and his smirk only grew wider when you forced his head upwards to look into your eyes. For someone so damn short, he was well up on his high horse.

"I will kill you where you stand, shall you force my hand."

"Just because you can rhyme doesn't mean a damn thing to me."

Your brows furrowed. Before you realized it, your hand was across his cheek. "What are your motives? Why have you come here?"

Scaramouche's head hung to the opposite side where you had struck him. A beat of silence passed before he spoke again, "what type of protector... slaps an enemy? How have you not died with these types of methods?"

"I asked you a question." You firmly stated. "You'll answer, or you'll die."

His eyes held something behind them, but you couldn't distinguish what it was just yet. "Are you even human? You look it, but you don't seem like it."

You hesitated for half a second but once you regained yourself you bent down to his level. "I'm more human than you'll ever be, puppet."

Immediately, his eyes filled with anger and his hand flew down to his side. Electricity crackled in his palm. "How the hell-"

But you were faster. Switching hands, your empty hand found its way around his neck and you pushed him against the wall. "You aren't blind, so you can tell I have a hydro vision, yes?" Now you were able to see the pure rage in his irises. It made you strangely proud of yourself. "If you continue to make silly slip ups, I can drown you from the inside."

His hands twitched, "what makes you think I even have lungs? Do you know if I even need to breathe?"

"Even if you don't breathe, I'm sure flooding your counterfeit system won't be a very enjoyable experience." You told him.

His electrified hand flew up and touched the arm that was around his throat. With a silent wince, your grip tightened and didn't hesitate in sending water through your fingertips. While he was shocking you with an insane amount of force, you were overflowing whatever space he had inside his neck with hydro.

Both of you didn't seem to be letting go any time soon. The only thing that pushed you both back from each other was the electro-charged reaction that sent you both flying away from each other. Scaramouche rolled himself to the side and hit his chest while coughing.

He knew he didn't need oxygen, but he didn't know that when he was being waterboarded, it would affect his process to function properly. The water spurted from his mouth and he sucked in a breath which wasn't the smartest choice.

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