Bennett [-] Not your fault

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Bennett x GN Reader
Requested by: StarAnimations774
I think I made this sadder than you intended but hey! Gots to see it thru


You and Bennett finally had time off to go out on a date with each other rather than the time spent together being for adventuring and looking for specifics. The Guild had pressing matters over the past week so the two of you had been separated on different errands and never had much of an interaction during the jobs. Of course, you had the after hours where you spent your night together, but other than that it was rare to be around him.

Now that everything was sorted you both decided it was a good idea to go out. Plus it was a beautiful day out for the time being. Bennett had been against the idea because he was convinced that if he left on a good day it would end up turning bad and start to rain. But you assured him that even if rainfall did come, you'd still be out with him and nothing would change.

Since it was your off day, you decided to go without your normal weapon. Not having a vision wasn't exactly difficult since you never knew what it was like to be in possession of one. Bennett carried his vision and sword everywhere he went and you always felt safer with him despite his bad luck. Deep down, Bennett was way more thankful for you than he thought he let on. The whole "Knight in shining armor", ideology came into play with the two of you since you didn't have a vision. But even then, you held yourself pretty well on your own.

Bennett pointed out a flower that caught his attention, "Oooh! Is that a cecilia? I didn't think they'd bloom all the way by the Thousands Wind Temple... A little strange. There's only one,'' He always had an eye out for plants that he found interesting. Or ones that took an arm and a leg to obtain. Lumine brought him back a specialty from Inazuma called Naku weed and he almost lost his mind over how cool looking it was.

You put your hand over your eyes to block the sun and look out into the distance, "We aren't too far from the cliff but you're right. Usually they aren't too close to the ground over here. Maybe it's a sign of luck?"

He laughed and grasped onto your hand, "If anything, you're my sign of luck! Just being able to come out here with you makes me feel extremely lucky."

If loveable was personified as a human, Bennett is definitely the host. "It's a team effort. You always seem pretty lucky around me. I think everyone else over exaggerates.'' Truthfully, you never understood why people treat him the way they do. He does more good than harm 99% of the time. Accidents happen to everybody.
Bennett mentioned how he wanted to avoid the temple directly because of the Ruin Guard stomping around in there. So you guys planned on going around it. "We should be fine going this way." he turned back to you with a smile.

However, up ahead there was a line of three hiluchurls coming down the hill. "Are you sure about that?" You chuckled. Even for you they would've been no problem had you been carrying a weapon. You just found it hilarious at his poor timing of words.

Instead he just unsheathed his sword and took on a fighting stance, "Well, this isn't so bad! Stay back though, don't want you getting hurt.'' With that, he dashed off with his sword flying behind him and jumped up with a flash of fire following him.

'' With that, he dashed off with his sword flying behind him and jumped up with a flash of fire following him

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