TEAM [-] Road... Trip?

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Another one with these bozos because I think they're interesting together

Team Oneshot!: Childe, Xinyan, Zhongli, Xiao

Modern Day AU

CW: Swearing bc Xiao


It was surprising.

No, it was a moment in history.

The three of them had convinced Xiao to go with them on a road trip. And boy would Xiao regret not staying home when he had the chance.

They were driving a three row minivan. Even though technically they only needed two, the back row was reserved for Xiao in case he needed space. Whatever space he could get while being stuck in the inclosed space.

The seating chart was simple. The oldest sat in the front. Which was Zhongli and Tartaglia. The second row was for Xinyan and Xiao. Tartaglia had insisted that he drive, but there was a 3 out of 4 votes for 'absolutely fucking not' as Xiao worded it.

It was all running smoothly so far. Xiao had decided to stare out the window, while Xinyan bobbed her head back and forth with her headphones on. While the two in the front chatted about whatever it was.

Then they hit a snag on their trip. Traffic.

Xiao was agitated because they had been moving so slow that there was nothing new out the window to look at. The same old trees, the same old cars.

Zhongli turned to his GPS and sighed. "Seems the traffic delay will last about twenty minutes." Xiao banged his head against the glass in frustration. He wasn't patient. And even if he was, his patience only lasted for so long.

"Xiao it's not the windows fault. You're gonna break it and your skull. Just go on your phone for the time being." Tartaglia tapped the glass with his knuckle.

"Yeah I would if I could. But Xinyan's been using my charge for the past twenty minutes. I swear her phone is always below ten percent." He grumbled. Xinyan could somehow hear her name over the loud music.

"Sorry buddy!" She waved her hand. She pulled down the tab on her phone so she could see the percentage. "Oh, actually it's at ninety three percent!" Unplugging the phone from the charger, she tossed it over to Xiao who caught it in one hand.

He plugged it in and a wave of relief washed over him when he saw the phone screen light up with a single percent. Just then everyone's body went flying forward. Tartaglia hitting his head on the dash, and Xiao and Xinyan flying into the seats ahead of them.

"Zhongli what the hell?! This is not Mario Kart, you can't hit the brakes like that!" Tartaglia groaned, rubbing his head.

"Sorry about that." He muttered. "This person in front of us stopped short, so I had to as well."

The car continued moving again for a few moments before stopping abruptly again. The same impacts being caused from before.

"You must be doing this on fucking purpose!" Xiao was now holding onto the handle that's meant for clothes above his head. The car moved again, then halted to a stop for a third time. "JUST GET OUT THE DAMN LANE!"

"There's traffic everywhere, Xiao." Zhongli replied not taking his eyes off the road.

"It's not about the traffic, it's about this dumbass in front of us who clearly can't drive!" He was now leaning forwards staring at the cars ahead of them.

Xinyan was trying to tune out his yelling but it was pretty impossible with the small space.

"Xiao just chill out. We'll be fine." Tartaglia tried to reassure him.

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